Mexican national nabbed in Brownsville gets 6 years for child porn

1 month ago 50

A Mexican national attempting to enter the United States through the B&M International Bridge was arrested after authorities discovered over 400 videos and images of child sexual abuse material, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas.

Juan Manuel Garza-Fuentes, 29, pleaded guilty on Feb. 6.

Garza-Fuentes was sentenced to serve over six years in federal prison followed by 35 years of supervision. He was also ordered by U.S. District Judge Rolando Olvera to pay $13,000 in restitution and a $3,000 special assessment, and to register as a sex offender.

According to the release, the investigation began in July 2023 after Garza-Fuentes attempted to enter the U.S. through the B&M International Bridge when his phone was analyzed.

“Authorities conducted a forensic analysis of Garza-Fuentes’ cellphone and discovered 255 videos and 170 images of child pornography,” the release said.

Garza-Fuentes remains in custody pending a transfer to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility that will be determined in the near future.

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