Letters to the Editor | Week of July 29-Aug. 3, 2024

1 month ago 71
Predictions for country

Most Americans are woefully unaware of the history of the world. They don’t really know much about American history and are not willing to learn.

A couple thousand years ago the Israelites decided they wanted a king. The good Lord presented some caveats. These were ignored; the Israelites selected Saul, and the results were depressing, until David.

Germany following World War I went into rebuilding mode. Times were tough. There was a person who promised them the Third Reich. It was to be a super country. That person, who wrote Mein Kamp while in prison, got out and became leader of the German Workers Party. We know it as the National Socialist or Nazi Party. He used his devotees, the Brown Shirts, to take over Germany. He was now an autocrat and could do anything he wanted the government to do.

Enter the United States. I shall play Nostradamus. Donald Trump will be elected president of the United States. The Republican Party will become our very own Nazi Party. Trump already has the Supreme Court in his pocket. Trump will enjoy the same freedom do govern that Vladimir Putin enjoys in Russia. I suspect he will “push Ukraine under the bus,” and ally our country with Russia. Each seems to desire expansion.

To solve the immigration problem, he may try to annex Mexico. Solves the problem. Some people wanted to annex Canada early in our history. Did not work out well.

President Trump will reduce the middle class by burdening them with taxes needed because of the favoritism given to the new oligopolists. Social Security will be farmed out to his favorite oligopolists, and China will rule Asia.

Enjoy it! This will be the last free election.

Ken Cantine


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