Drug smuggler leads Sarita Border Patrol agents on chase that reached 125 mph

1 month ago 53

Two men were taken into custody Thursday after they fled from Border Patrol agents stationed at the Javier Vega Jr. Checkpoint near Sarita, leading them on a vehicle pursuit that reached speeds of 125 mph, according to a criminal complaint.

Christopher Seabrook and Eric Barclay were later arrested for possession of over 25 pounds of cocaine concealed within the vehicle they were driving because Seabrooke owed a “cocaine debt.”

At about 12:12 a.m., on July 25, a silver 2015 Chrysler 200 entered the primary inspection lane of the checkpoint driven by Seabrook with his frontside passenger being Barclay.

Agents also found a woman sitting in the backseat and conducted an immigration inspection on her.

When one agent asked Seabrooke to place the vehicle in park, Seabrook complied but then placed it back in drive and quickly accelerated “causing his tires to spin and squeal as he left the checkpoint at a high rate of speed,” the complaint said.

Following a pursuit with Border Patrol, the Kenedy County Sheriff’s Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety, Seabrook came to a stop in a cornfield just north of Ricardo.

Both Seabrook and Barclay were taken into custody after a short foot chase. The woman remained in the vehicle where she was found and was also taken into custody before the trio were transported back to the checkpoint.

The Chrysler, which remained at the Kingsville Texas Border Patrol Station, was searched by agents who discovered 20 bundles of cocaine concealed within the vehicle.

One bundle was found in the rear driver side quarter panel, three more in the rear passenger side panel and six in the rear passenger door, according to the complaint.

A registration check on the vehicle revealed that there was no data for the plate.

In an interview with authorities, Seabrook stated that he and Barclary arrived in Brownsville about a week prior and picked up the vehicle a day before their arrest.

“According to Seabrook, he owed a cocaine debt so he was told to drive the car to pay it off,” the complaint said. “Seabrook continued to state that once they arrived at the checkpoint, he saw the way the dog was acting so he took off. Seabrook related that the female was not involved.”

Barclay requested an attorney’s presence during questioning and also stated that the female had nothing to do with the cocaine.

She was processed and released.

Seabrook and Barclay were then transported to Coastal Bend Detention Center in Robstown, Texas for overnight detention pending future proceedings.

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