VIDA selected as a finalist for prestigious Excelencia award

4 weeks ago 35

MERCEDES, Texas – Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement’s “Enhancing Career Pathways for Latinos in the Rio Grande Valley” project has been selected as a finalist for the 2024 Examples of Excelencia

The award is given each year by Excelencia in Education. This group’s mission is to accelerate Latino student success in higher education by promoting Latino student achievement, conducting analysis to inform educational policies, and advancing institutional practices while collaborating with those committed and ready to meet the mission. Excelencia in Education was formed in 2024.

Previous winners of the Excelencia award include UT-Rio Grande Valley and South Texas College. 

VIDA is one of 18 finalists from across the nation vying for the award. The 18 were selected through a review of 103 program submissions representing colleges, universities, and community-based organizations across 20 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. There were four categories: associate, baccalaureate, graduate, and community-based organizations. VIDA qualified via the community-based organization category.

Adriana Rodriguez, COO and vice president for institutional programs at Excelencia in Education, said that since 2005, Excelencia has received over 2,000 program submissions, recognized over 400 programs for their impact, and awarded over $2 million to programs making a positive difference for Latino students across the country.

She pointed out that Examples of Excelencia is the only national, data-driven effort to identify, aggregate, and promote evidence-based practices increasing Latino student success in higher education.

“Participating in Examples of Excelencia allows practitioners to assess and share the impact of their program on Latino participants. Excelencia applauds this year’s finalists for ensuring their programming intentionally serves Latino students in comprehensive and asset-based ways to support them to and through college,” Rodriguez said.

VIDA was founded by Valley Interfaith in 1995 to address high unemployment and workforce skills gaps.  Its supporters include Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez, Brownsville Mayor John Cowen, Jr., South Texas College Vice President Rodney Rodriguez, and state Sen. Morgan LaMantia.

Felida Villarreal, president and CEO of VIDA, said the group adopts a holistic, worker-centered approach, providing wraparound services to support each student’s success and employment. 

Participants undergo skills assessments, receive tailored academic advice and career counseling, and are connected with suitable career pathways. They also receive financial assistance and soft skills training to overcome barriers to higher education. Job placement assistance and follow-up support are provided, with employment tracking for three years post-graduation.

Villarreal pointed out that in 2023, VIDA served 627 participants with an average persistence rate of 96 percent. She said participants entered VIDA’s program earning an average hourly wage of $10.54, but graduated and secured employment with an average hourly wage of over $23.44. “This is a true representation of human capital investment and aligning workforce skills with local industry demand,” Villarreal said.

Villarreal said that as a finalist for the 2024 Examples of Excelencia, Enhancing Career Pathways for Latinos in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) is a model of what works for higher education leadership seeking asset-based programming that is sustainable, replicable, and data-informed. 

“We are deeply honored to receive this prestigious national recognition for VIDA’s program from Excelencia in Education. The unwavering support from our community partners and donors enables VIDA to expand its outreach and amplify its impact in accelerating credential attainment among low-income Hispanic students,” Villarreal said.

“VIDA fosters economic prosperity in our underserved Latino communities of the Rio Grande Valley by educating one life at a time, providing tailored wraparound support services for college access, persistence, and completion. This recognition is a powerful validation of VIDA’s commitment to educational equity and economic empowerment. 

“We are grateful for the opportunity to share our story and inspire others to invest in the future of our Latino communities.”

Editor’s Note: Click here to see the full list of the 2024 Examples of Excelencia finalists.

Editor’s Note: Click here to watch a recent Rio Grande Guardian podcast with VIDA CEO Felida Villarreal.

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