Letters to the Editor | Week of April 1-6, 2024

5 months ago 137
Bills cited

We elect our representatives to be our voices in Wahington, D.C. So when a representative neglects the cries and the needs of his community, are we supposed to reelect them to continue the same behavior?

The U.S. House of Representatives considered two very important bills in the early months of 2023. H.R. 164 would close all loopholes on the border and return to regular order the process of legal immigration. The other bill, H.R. 734, would keep biologically born males from participating in all women sports!

You would think that both bills, especially H.R. 164, would be something our entire state is in dire need of. Though we have not heard of or witnessed any issues here in South Texas that H.R. 734 addresses, it is a nationwide concern, especially with those of us with solid American Christian values!

Elections are coming up and all of a sudden Donald Trump is at fault for the border crisis and nothing has changed with the issue of men exposing themselves to young girls in the girl’s locker room!

Put your boots on and get prepared for all the boloney you are going to hear from our local representatives and all the things they claim they have accomplished.

Truth be told, not a single Democrat representative from the Valley voted in favor of these two bills. Women should be outraged! All of us should be furious that Henry Cuellar from the Laredo district and Vicente Gonzalez from our home turf, did not support these two very important bills!

Do these guys go to D.C. to represent us?

That is the reason we need to vote these guys out! Come on, ladies! This is another bra-burning issue that protects you and your female children!

We need representation in D.C., not a bunch of yes men for the Democratic Party!

Ernest Gorena


South Texas simpletons

The late Rush Limbaugh of talk radio fame used to make fun of a town in California, Rio Linda, because its inhabitants were economically disadvantaged simpletons incapable of understanding simple things.

Here in the RGV, we are a Democratic stronghold and at the same time an economically disadvantaged area of poverty in South Texas. Democrats in RGV are happy with Biden and Bidenomics.

Thanks to Bidenomics, mortgage rates are at a 40-year high, grocery prices for milk, eggs and meats are up more than 15%, gasoline when Trump left office was $1.89 and we were not dependent on foreign oil. Yet our inhabitants of the RGV are happy with Bidenomics, and I find that amusing, they believe in the gospel of Biden, that inflation is and will be transitory.

When I see people at the grocery store paying for food with a credit card, or a full-size truck gassing up at the pump and only buying $12 worth of gas, I can only say inflation is in a way a tax that causes the low- to middle-income suffer the most, yet they are the same group that embrace Bidenomics, so it begs the question: Do we have our own Rio Linda simpletons in the RGV or is it just plain apathy?

I guess we will find out this November at the ballot box, and I’ll simplify it for our own Rio Lindan’s, if you like the aforementioned benefits of Bidenomics then by all means vote blue.

Jake Longoria


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to letters@myRGV.com.

The post Letters to the Editor | Week of April 1-6, 2024 appeared first on MyRGV.com.

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