City of McAllen identifies land for a new federal courthouse

5 months ago 157

MCALLEN, Texas – The City of McAllen has set aside land for a new federal courthouse, City Manager Roel ‘Roy’ Rodriguez has confirmed.

Rodriguez and city staff took questions from residents living on the south side of the city at an event co-hosted by Futuro RGV and District 4 City Commissioner Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Castillo. 

The event, held April 6 at Palm View Community Center, was titled Government for a Day. Three of the four walls of the gym were filled with tables where residents could learn what city programs and services were available and how they could access them. Community service agencies also had tables.

For the Q&A section of the program, residents were asked submit questions in writing. An interpreter repeated the questions and answers in Spanish.

Federal Courthouse

One resident asked what is going to be built on the property adjacent to Jackson Avenue and Main Street.

City Manager Rodriguez responded: “So, we bought that property several years ago in anticipation of development. I think this is public knowledge so… and if it isn’t, don’t tell anybody.”

This remark drew a chuckle from city staff and residents in the audience.

“We have decided to build a new federal courthouse in McAllen. There is very little doubt that we need one here, with everything that we deal with, including the environment that we are in,” Rodriguez said.

“So, we have worked with our federal partners, our congressmen and our senators, and the mayor and the commission. (We want to) use that property as the place for a new federal courthouse. 

“The lead federal judge here in McAllen, Ricardo Hinojosa, is really asking for our help because he believes that the federal courthouse that he is currently housed in is inadequate. It is just not conducive to what they do anymore. And so that is the key. We are willing to donate the property. We are not going to hide that from you.”

Logistics Park

Another resident asked what is planned for the land next to IDEA Public Schools on South Ware Road.

City Manager Rodriguez responded: 

“That is going to be a logistics area. How many acres is that? 120? It is going to be logistics. Not manufacturing but more (warehousing)… it is zoned for that. So, we are ready to do it. When you think about job creation, moving cargo to and from the Valley, including in and out of Mexico, that is a huge gap we have in the Rio Grande Valley. We do not have enough logistics parks. It is a private development. They have purchased that land, and it will be a state-of-the-art, very, top quality type of construction there.”

Healthy Foods

Another resident asked when will a new grocery store be coming to the south side, one offering healthy options.

Rodriguez responded:

“That topic is market-driven, right? If a grocer identifies an area that is underserved when it comes to groceries, or anything else, they designate that area they are going to (develop). However, the city is working with a grocer now in south McAllen or close to south McAllen. When we lost HEB on 10th Street, we created a void. We have worked so hard to fill that. And we will continue to do that. But, keep in mind, the grocer needs to feel that the demand is there. So, we will keep working that.”


Another resident asked why the internet is so poor at Palm View Community Center. The resident contrasted it with the one gigabyte, lighting fast speeds available at the City of Pharr’s community center on Dicker Road in Las Milpas.

McAllen Assistant City Manager Jeff Johnston responded: 

“There is a great need, obviously, for internet and IT connections. At the same time there is a cost associated with that. So, the city does its best to provide as much bandwidth and get as much speed out there to the community.

“One of the things we work on is to make sure all of the connections are up to date and so each year we go through the budget process, and we make sure we request whatever funds are necessary to do upgrades to this facility.”

Johnston said if any resident is not happy with the internet speeds available in public areas, they should let the city know, either by calling 3-1-1 or using the City’s app.

City Manager Rodriguez also responded to the broadband question. He said:

“With regard to this facility, we will look at it. We will look at what kind of speed you have here and if it is lacking, we will improve it. We are committed to doing that. 

“I want to reiterate something Jeff said. When we did the hotspots in McAllen during Covid we were obviously trying to help the kids that were home, that because of Covid could not go to school, to be able to do their work. But we wanted to it to where there was no cost to the citizens.”

Rodriguez did not mention the City of Pharr by name, but he did say: “Those communities that are putting in fiber or internet throughout the city, that is not cheap. And so, maybe it is something we need to look at… to get some better speed out here. But please keep that in mind. It is very important for us to provide that service at no cost to the city.”

Residents also asked questions about library services, recreational facilities, voting, and Senate Bill 4.

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