Canales: RGV seems ‘largely apathetic’ to long term water needs

6 months ago 143

DINBURG, TEXAS – State Rep. Terry Canales has again sounded the alarm bells about a ack of a strategy to address the Rio Grande Valley’s long term water needs.

Canales took to social media to express his concern after reading news story posted by the Texas Farm Bureau. The story focused on a decision made last week by the Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers Association to cease operations at its plant in Santa Rosa. The group cited a lack of irrigation water as the main reason. Canales provided a link to the TFB news story.

Click here to read the Texas Farm Bureau story.

“The RGV needs to wake up to the fact that we are running out of water. The RGV currently depends on extreme weather events and Mexico for its water supply. That is not a plan we can rely on. A failure to plan is a plan to fail,” Canales posted on social media.

“While entities are out there being innovative, our region seems to be largely apathetic, with no sense of urgency or great concern. This will prove to be a catastrophic approach.

“My staff and I are working on solutions and are planning a water summit to bring all major stakeholders together.

“Make no mistake, the time to act and invest in water is now. Without water, there is no life. Without a reliable long-term water solution, our economy will suffer and the amazing growth and economic prosperity we have experienced and grown to love will quickly dwindle.

“There is nothing more important and nothing more pressing. The good news is by working together as a region we can make it happen. We can have water security.”

Canales first made his concerns about water supply public at a legislative reception hosted by the Rio Grande Valley Partnership. The Rio Grande Guardian International News Service was the only media outlet to report on his remarks. Click here to read the news story.

In response to Rep. Canales’ remarks, RGV Partnership President Daniel Silva said a subcommittee of his group would look into the Valley’s long term water needs.

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