Wesolowski: MHM is listening more intentionally to voices of its customers, collaborators, and partners

2 months ago 52

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas has redesigned its website in order to show how it is broadening the definition of health care, its president and CEO states.

“This website relaunch is an important step in our journey to advance health equity,” Jaime Wesolowski said. “In 2020, we committed to a strategic plan that deepened our focus beyond improving individual well-being—to include addressing the root causes of what makes people sick in the first place. Part of this internal transformation has led us to listen more intentionally to the voices of our customers, collaborators, partners, and community at large.”

Earlier this year, Wesolowski said his group would be investing $181.1 million to advance health equity in South Texas in 2024. That commitment represents an increase of 21 percent from its 2023 investment.

Wesolowski said the goal is to strengthen communities and impact systemic change across a 74-county service area. 

The funding will impact direct services, community investments, the development of community partnerships and advocacy initiatives that create a more level playing field for individuals to thrive, Wesolowski explained.

He said the $181.1 million investment propels a strategic focus on advancing health equity, the framework of thought and action guiding the organization’s efforts to address systemic inequities and socio-economic barriers that keep people from living their healthiest lives.

“At Methodist Healthcare Ministries, we are realizing our bold mission of ‘Serving Humanity to Honor God’ through the programs and services we offer, the diverse geography we cover and the incredible communities we serve,” Wesolowski said.

“This investment is a clear reflection of the various ways our board of directors and our 500+ team members are broadening the definition of health care every day for patients, clients, and communities we serve.”

Speaking about the website, Wesolowski said that by pairing complimentary and critical feedback, “we sought to redesign our site in a way that better communicated Our Purpose, Our Work, and Our People to all stakeholders.”

Digging deeper, he said, MHM worked closely with internal teams to ensure the specific information and resources needed to foster greater alignment and collaboration between the group and its clients and supporters are easy to find and utilize. 

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