AUSTIN, Texas – Representatives from Eagle Pass and the Rio Grande Valley took the opportunity afforded by an “open comment period” at a Texas Transportation Commission meeting to thank TxDOT.
Ivan Morua, assistant city manager of Eagle Pass, thanked the TTC commissioners for their help in creating a new metropolitan planning organization (MPO) in his city.
Public policy advocate Ron Whitlock thanked the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for building the I-69C/I-2 interchange in Pharr.
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In his remarks, Morua said he was speaking on behalf of Eagle Pass City Manager Homero Balderas. He said Balderas had had to temporarily leave the room.
“We are just here basically to thank TxDOT for all the help, all the work that you have been doing with us. As a small, growing city, we appreciate all the work that you did for us to implement the MPO.”
Morua said his city has the last MPO implemented in the state of Texas.
“It is number 24, I believe, and it had been over 30 years since the last MPO was created. So we really appreciate all the support for the creation of that MPO,” Morua said.
“And also for the funding of some of our projects, including the Loop 480, which has been a project that we’ve been discussing for many years. We know it’s in the works, that it has been approved.”
Morua added: “So, again, as a growing community, we appreciate all the work that TxDOT has done and all the staff, including the (TxDOT) District Engineer, Mr. Pete Gonzalez. He has been great. There’s nothing else that we can say, but just thank you.”
In his remarks, Whitlock said:
“The Rio Grande Valley is growing very fast – and you all know this – and with that growth, our transportation needs need to be met.
“I am here today to thank the Commission for the historic investment that you have made in our region. As recently reported in the Rio Grande Guardian, you are investing $3 billion, an amount that we have never, ever seen before. So we thank you.
“Anyone who regularly traverses I-2 and I-69 Central, otherwise known as the Pharr Interchange, as I do, will thank you. This huge project is almost complete, and while it did cause disruption and delays for commuters for a few years, while construction was underway, we see the benefits every day.
“The Pharr Interchange was warranted. Getting trucks to and from our international bridges without going through neighborhoods is warranted. Getting the road to SpaceX expanded and improved is warranted. State Highway 68 is warranted. Another east-west corridor between I-69C and I-69E is warranted. A second causeway to South Padre Island, obviously, is warranted.
“There is so much more that we need to do, but your commitment is there. We can see it and we appreciate it.
“This was not always the case. For many years, we did not receive the funding we deserved. In the Valley, we united our three MPOs and started coming to you in a united fashion and as a united front with one voice.
“Things started to change. And you listened. You understand that if we have seamless mobility from our international land ports and to our three water ports, the whole of Texas benefits. So, we thank you for your attention to our region.
“The next few years are going to be incredible for the Rio Grande Valley, but we know that we can count on your support. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.”
TTC Chairman Bruce Bugg responded: “Thank you, Mr. Whitlock. Thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to come and recognize the work of the men and women of TxDOT. Thank you.”

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