Thousands attend annual Ramon Ayala Posada Navideña

2 months ago 101

HIDALDO, Texas (ValleyCentral) — Amid some light rain, the 23rd annual Ramon Ayala Posada Navideña was a success.

The event featured a major toy giveaway, a concert with plenty of big names and a mass kicking off the events. Thousands of people showed up to the posada.

All night, attendees heard performances from bands like Los Viejones de Linares, Pesado, Solido, and Majo Aguilar.

However, many people got there early for the toy giveaway and some even arrived before 7 p.m. to be ready for the event. Many we spoke to also said that they were prepared for the long day ahead.

Hundreds of children lined up for hours as they waited for one of the more than 10,000 gifts being given away. Miranda Belen Niaves says the thing she enjoyed the most at the posada was spending time with family.

“The fun thing I like is that it's just your family there," Niaves said. "Like you are having fun.”

Other returning attendees like Yesenia Perez came ready for the long wait in line.

“We came prepared with sandwiches, chips, and coke because it is a pretty long while by the time we get there," Perez said.

The attendees were not just Rio Grande Valley residents. People from as far as Michigan, Los Angeles, and even the Mexican state of Nayarit were in attendance.

Valdimir Peña says he and his family had been planning to attend the event since 2018.

"We came exclusively for this," Peña said. "We arrived yesterday and we are here today and we return to Tepic on Friday.”

They made the trip knowing that it could be one of the few chances to see Ramon Ayala before he retires. Ayala’s wife, Linda, says the event is all about the children and bringing some joy to the community.

And over the years, she has seen many children grow and others overcome obstacles.

“There are so many," Ayala said. "There is this little boy that used to have his hair real, real long and he was a little bit sick. But, he has come every year, every year, and right now he is fully cured and we’re so happy for him.”

Hidalgo Police Chief Romeo Rodriguez said all police officers in the department worked the event, as the line for the toy drive extended for close to a mile.

He said there is nothing better than seeing a child smile.

“The kids don't know whether you use money or no money," Rodriguez said. "It's Christmas time. They know toys are coming, and they expect the toy. That's what we're trying to do, make sure that every child that comes out here gets a little toy.”

Rodriguez hopes it is a tradition that continues well beyond Ramon Ayala's retirement.

“Probably he will go on doing it," Linda Ayala said. "It is something for the kids. He loves to do things for kids, so it's in his heart.”

Although Ramon Ayala did not perform at Wednesday's event, he will be performing at the Payne Arena next year on May 25.

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