Spamer: Thanks to RioPlex, the region’s EDCs have ‘upped their game’

1 week ago 49

MCALLEN, Texas – Asked which parts of the world RioPlex will be marketing the region in, its founder responded: everywhere.

The Rio Grande Guardian International News Service caught up with Joaquin Spamer soon after his return from Mexico City. He had visited the Mexican capitol to participate as a panelist in SelectUSA’s Mexico conference. He touted the RioPlex region, which encompasses the Rio Grande Valley and northern Tamaulipas. 

“We finally got the branding (material) back from the contractor that we hired. It looks great. We’ve been working daily on putting the name (RioPlex) out there,” Spamer said.

“We have several events in the making. I think you’re going to be surprised, Steve. I cannot give you more information right now, but once we get this rolling, you’re going to be surprised.”

Asked if there were any parts of the globe that RioPlex would focus on, Spamer said:

“Everywhere. We have a big team working on it, and that’s all I can right now, Steve. I don’t want to give too much information as this time.”

So stay tuned? “Stay posted,” Spamer said. 

Spamer, president of CIL Group, said SelectUSA Mexico was the place to be if you were a Mexican national looking to set up shop in the United States. 

The event was huge, it was great. Clarissa and her team, they do a very good job,” Spamer said, referencing Clarissa Bonillas, SelectUSA’s Mexico City-based international investment specialist.

“The event was held in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce. I think it is the event that everybody in Mexico should go to, if you are an investor in Mexico that is thinking of doing business in the US. I think it is the first step if you are thinking of doing business here.”

Asked what feedback he has received since giving his speech in Mexico City, Spamer said:

“Actually, we’ve been receiving emails on a daily basis from companies and businessmen that are looking at putting a foot in the USA. I thought it was really beneficial for RioPlex, and really beneficial for my company.”

It was put to Spamer that a number of entities in the Valley are making a concerted effort to lure Mexican investors to the region. By way of two examples, this reporter referenced the City of McAllen and its decision to open an international trade office, and Open EB5, the private firm whose government approved program allows Mexican investors to secure a green card if they invest in certain local projects.

Spamer responded: I think that McAllen is doing a great job. I think that the McAllen Economic Development Corporation now, with Elizabeth Saenz at the helm, I think she’s doing a great job. I think it’s going to work very well for everybody. We are happy to be cooperating with them and collaborating with the team. I think everything is moving forward, and everybody is moving a little bit faster. I think that’s great for the region.”

With the encouragement of Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez, RioPlex was set up by CEOs and business leaders in the private sector. Spamer said the arrival of the group has spurred economic development organizations in the region to “up their game.”

Spamer said: “Competition is good. I don’t know if you have seen it, but ever since we started with RioPlex, everybody’s been working. Everybody’s doing something. If they were doing one event a month, now they’re doing two or three events a month. And that’s just great.”

Spamer said every EDC in the region should do its bit to help.

“I believe that every EDO, every major organization here in the Valley, should be promoting the Valley everywhere else. Everybody has different ideas on how to do it, on where to do it. I think we (RioPlex) have a better, strategy. But, at the end of the day, everything is good for the region.”

Spamer added that he has been encouraging all businesses to get involved with their local chamber of commerce and economic development organization.

“All the small, medium and large businesses here in the Valley should participate in any of the EDOs. If you like the RGV Partnership, better go ahead and participate with them. If you like COSTEP, participate with them. Those are pretty good economic development organizations,” Spamer said. 

“If you’re from McAllen and you want to participate with the McAllen Chamber of Commerce, that’s perfect. If you live in Harlingen, go ahead and get yourself involved with their chamber. At the end, is the responsibility of the businessman to promote the region in the basic way we can.”

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