Spamer: RioPlex is the Land of the Incredible

1 month ago 37

PHARR, Texas – The RioPlex region should otherwise be known as the Land of the Incredible, says businessman Joaquin Spamer.

The Rio Grande Guardian caught up with the founder and president of CIL Logistics at the official opening of the Pharr Global Business Hub. In an exclusive interview, Spamer talked about Pharr’s prominence as an international trade corridor, the impact SpaceX will have on the regional economy, and the importance of the American Chamber Mexico, otherwise known as AmCham.

Spamer helped AmCham host a summit at the Brownsville Events Center the day before the opening of the Pharr Global Business Hub. It was titled the US-Mexico Leaders’ Summit: Binational High-Level Dialogue.

“AmCham is 106 years old and it’s a very well organized, very professional entrepreneurial organization in Mexico,” Spamer said. “I’m just proud that they accepted me a couple of years back as a member, and I was invited to become a board member in the Northeast chapter in Monterrey last year.”

Spamer said he “wanted to do something” for AmCham in South Texas.

“I think that the last two days were something spectacular. AmCham is very powerful. We got some very big names (to come to the summit). Adriana Cruz (head of economic development in Gov. Greg Abbott’s Office) came to the event. A lot of different local businessmen, local mayors (came also). We are very grateful that Senator LaMantia was there, (and Congressman) Vicente Gonzalez. He’s a very good friend of mine, a very good friend of business. And we had a great event.”

Spamer said the RioPlex region, which encompasses the Rio Grande Valley and North Tamaulipas, needs to do more to attract the major companies in AmCham.

“That’s what we need to promote, we need those kinds of investors. All of the members of AmCham are investors. They are big companies. A lot of them came to this event. They were like close to 20, and they all were very impressed about what we’re doing with RioPlex. What the Valley is doing, what North Tamaulipas is doing, and I could not be more proud,” Spamer said.

“We have to showcase our region. Now quote me on this – it is the Land of the Incredible. RioPlex is the Land of Incredible. It’s incredible what we have accomplished here in the past 30 years, and, again, it’s going to be incredible what we’re going to accomplish in the next 30 years. So, hold on. Grab your seatbelts.”

In his remarks at the Pharr EDC event, Spamer spoke about the incredible change that has taken place in the Valley over the last 30 years. He said the region has changed from predominantly agrarian to being home to one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world. He was referring to SpaceX.

“We have a logistics location here in the Valley. Of course, Pharr is the most important bridge in RioPlex. It is handling a lot of merchandise that comes through Mexico. Brownsville has a good port of entry as well, the same as Donna and Roma,” Spamer said in his interview with the Guardian.

“But now we have another logistics operation that is going to the outer space. So (Captain) Kirk (of Star Trek) get ready, because we’re going to go to outer space. This is unique. It’s beautiful. I went there (to SpaceX) yesterday. It’s impressive.”

Spamer said the RioPlex region needs to tell its story to the world.

“That is what we need, to tell the world that we are the port of the future. RioPlex is the home of (SapceX’s) Starbase. This is this is huge.”

Spamer singled out for praise Marisela Cortez, external affairs manager for SpaceX.

“I think Marisela Cortez, of SpaceX, is very close to the community. She’s very open in dealing with community affairs. That’s her job. She’s doing a great job. And she’s very close to the city, to the port,” Spamer said.

“And what can I say about the port? It is great. The Port of Brownsville is the biggest economic engine we have in the Valley.”

The post Spamer: RioPlex is the Land of the Incredible appeared first on Rio Grande Guardian.

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