Saenz: Time is running out for RGV to challenge broadband accessibility maps

3 months ago 108

An interview with Ricardo Saenz, program manager for the Rio Grande Valley Broadband Coalition:

SAN JUAN, TEXAS -The Rio Grande Valley Broadband Coalition is urging residents and community groups to tell federal and state leaders what they think of the Internet service they are currently receiving. 

The coalition is a network of organizations ranging from local governments, nonprofits, community groups and internet service providers. Its goal is to bridge the region’s digital divide.

“We need infrastructure, we need affordability, we need reliability, and so this coalition was created to make sure that we have that foundation set up and be able to move to that end goal,” said Ricardo Saenz, program manager for the coalition.

The Rio Grande Guardian interviewed Saenz at the conclusion of a recent meeting the coalition held at the offices of La Unión del Pueblo Entero in San Juan. He explained that there is not a lot of time left to challenge federal maps that the coalition believe do not accurately reflect the extent of the Valley’s digital divide. 

“This was one of our last coalition meetings of the year, and we focused on the challenge process, via the Texas Broadband Development Office (BDO) for the BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment) program,” Saenz explained.

“We have two weeks from December 3 to December the 17 to do any challenges, any corrections, any inaccuracies, anything from the map that they’re using to figure out which communities are served, underserved or unserved.

“So the topic of this meeting was, how can we strategize? How can we build a strategy on making sure that we get our voices heard, get the community’s voices heard, submit any challenges.”

Saenz said separate studies undertaken by Cameron and Hidalgo counties show that there is a digital divide.

“(The studies) definitely shows that there’s a need here. Infrastructure is crucial to close the digital divide, along with reliability, affordability and digital literacy. So we’re very happy that they (the counties) were able to do the studies to confirm what we knew, and they have that data to back it up.”

Saenz said the coalition is currently undertaking a “mass outreach” effort to get the word out about the challenge process. He said the coalition is looking for help with the outreach effort from the news media and the offices of the four  county judges in the Valley. 

Saenz added: “We really appreciate all the organizations, all the entities that are part of this coalition. We all have the same focus. And we’ll definitely get there by working together.”

Jordana Barton-Garcia, MPA, is director of the Rio Grande Valley Broadband Coalition and a member of a statewide working group that reports to the Texas Broadband Development Office.

In partnership with Saenz, Barton-Garcia sent out this message to coalition members on Dec. 9:

Dear RGV Broadband Coalition Members,

We hope this email finds you well. Below are some important updates and reminders regarding the Texas BDO BEAD Map Challenge:

RGV Broadband Coalition Resource Page

We are excited to announce the coalition now has a dedicated resource page on our website where you can find the wonderful flier and social media graphics our creative coalition members, LUPE and Trucha, have designed for the BEAD Map Challenge, as well as resources from the TX BDO. Please share them widely.

Resident Input Tool – Mobile Version Issue

  • There is currently an issue with the mobile version of the TX BDO Resident Input Tool: The language selection button/icon is not visible, which is very significant for our Spanish speaking residents.
  • Good News: The issue does not affect the desktop/computer version, and we notified the Texas BDO. They expect to resolve this issue by today, Monday, Dec. 9.

Engagement and Outreach Reminders

  • Please use the outreach materials on your social media to boost engagement and community knowledge.
  • Please feel free to have your organization promote in the press via a press release or other means. 
  • You may use and/or include the TX BEAD Challenge Process helpline in your posts for community support:
  • 855-TEX-BEAD (855-839-2323)
    Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CT
  • If you have anyupcoming eventsthat could provide opportunities for community engagement, let us know! You can either:

Thank you for your continued support and hard work as we navigate this important challenge process. 

The post Saenz: Time is running out for RGV to challenge broadband accessibility maps appeared first on Rio Grande Guardian.

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