Richard Moore Outdoor Report: Charismatic Chachalacas

3 months ago 102

HARLINGEN, Texas (ValleyCentral) — Arrayed on a limb are four big feet and two little feet.

The feet belong to a family of chachalacas perched on a branch indulging in early morning grooming before venturing into the treetops for breakfast.

Peregrines in Peril

Chachalacas are very affectionate, and this bonded pair spends several minutes making sure every feather of their mate is in place.

Junior is less than a week old, and he is already working on feather maintenance, only he does not have a lot of feathers yet to maintain, but what he lacks in feathers he makes up for with enthusiasm.

Okay, feathers maintained it’s time to scurry up branches and secure a meal. Now, this might require a little tightrope walking, but the tiny chachalaca was born to climb.

Yucca Sunset

Following Dad up into treetops, Junior is rewarded with a tasty leaf and tries to pluck one himself, but would prefer being fed.

While Dad and Junior explore the upper branches, Mom continues with her morning ritual.

This time of year chachalacas are busy raising their young. They normally have two or three chicks in a clutch, but they are lucky if they can raise one, as young are so vulnerable to predation, particularly from feral cats.

The young are precocial, and once hatched are quickly able to tag along with their attentive parents.

Meanwhile, up in the branches Junior goes wherever Dad goes, and what better place to take a break than tucked under Papa’s ample tail feathers. Now, that’s one comforting feathery umbrella.

Sabal Sanctuary

Finally, after munching myriad morning leaves, the little chachalaca tiptoes down to Mom tucking in beneath her.

After getting some maternal attention, Junior settles in for a nap. Next comes a big yawn, and finally he just can’t keep his eyes open any longer.

Time for a South Texas siesta, as he needs to rest up because there is a big wide world to explore out there.

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