MONTE ALTO, Texas (ValleyCentral) — Connie Villanueva is being recognized for giving back to her community.
Villanueva is known in her community for giving back to others at the Monte Alto Recreation Center.
She founded the center with a vision of providing resources to her community.
Villanueva's truck, which she calls her partner in crime, has been serving at the Monte Alto Recreation Center for five years.
The truck helps pull trailers of items that include canned foods, home products, hygiene products and toys for children.
"It serves our community well, it has never let us down, and it is going to continue helping us to serve the community," Villanueva said.
The Monte Alto community says Villanueva is behind the wheel for many of the community's offered resources.
As of 2023, the population in Monte Alto was 2,260.
"Anything and everything we do is because we are a community," said Villanueva. "We're not a city, so we don't have the resources that cities have."
Villanueva says most of Monte Alto lives below the poverty line.
"I was born and raised poor, and that is nothing to be ashamed of," Villanueva said. "Because that is what molded me to be who I am today. I love who I am today, and I love helping people, I truly love it."
Those who have known Villanueva for over a decade say she is a well of knowledge, and that everything she does is purely out of love.
"She has a lot of love to give, a lot of love to help," said friend Claudia Gonzalez. "Besides, everything she does is genuine, not seeking anything in return. It is simply her nature to serve and help."
Folks in the community say Villanueva is always only one call away.
The recreation center also serves other communities in the Rio Grande Valley, outside of Monte Alto.
When Villanueva isn't at the Monte Alto Recreation Center, she is advocating for education.
She has been serving for 23 years on Monte Alto Board of Trustees and currently serves as president of the board.