Ramon Ayala Christmas Posada happening Wednesday

2 months ago 111

HIDALDO, Texas (ValleyCentral) — The 23rd annual Posada Navideña hosted by Ramon Ayala will take place Wednesday.

Ramon Ayala welcomes the Rio Grande Valley to his hometown of Hidalgo to ring in the holiday season with a toy giveaway, a display of Christmas lights and live entertainment by a lineup of artists.

The free event will begin at 4 p.m. with a Mass followed by a toy giveaway at 5 p.m at the Hidalgo Public Library.

Over 10,000 toys will be given to families during the event.

The posada will continue with a concert at 6 p.m. until the end of the event at midnight.

The following bands will be attending the Posada Navideña.

  • Ojos Piel Canela
  • Grupo Anexxado
  • Los Federales del C.B.P.
  • Los Rayos del Sol de Fedencio Ayala Y Hector Garza
  • Presentación especial de Osacar Ayala y Elvis Ayala
  • Protocolo
  • Grupo Solido
  • Los Viejones de Linares
  • Majo Aguilar
  • Pesado

Posada Navideña will be held outside Hidalgo City Hall located on 704 Ramon Ayala Dr.

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