Pisharodi: We irritated the bats and they got their revenge on us

2 months ago 109

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – In our latest episode on how to avoid the next coronavirus, as seen through the lens of Dr. Madhavan A. Pisharodi, we discuss bats and rats.

Pisharodi is a neurosurgeon who has been practicing in Brownsville, Texas for the last 31 years. Although a medical physician, some people might mistake him for an engineer, given the number of patents he has been issued. 

Outside of the medical field, he has been issued four patents for solar panels, nine for designing an energy saving and device-protecting battery charger, and two for a sub-mechanical vibration device for pain management. He has several patents pending for renewable energy systems such as wind turbine and hydroelectric projects. 

Dr. Pisharodi’s current focus is defeating the next coronavirus pandemic. He says this will not be done by sticking to “band aid” solutions such testing, counting, forcing lockdown, social distancing and wearing masks. He has penned a book on the subject, titled “Corona: Be Not Proud.” He has given the Rio Grande Guardian a series of in-depth interview about the book and his four and half years of research.

The book can be purchased on Amazon.

In the latest episode on the Rio Grande Guardian, Pisharodi, via an audio podcast, discusses bats and rats.

“One of the chapters (in my book) is the revenge of the bats, how we invaded their housing,” Pisharodi said.

“Bats and rats together form about 50 percent of the mammalians on this planet, rats and bats. And the rats are more than the bats.

“But anyway, bats have the unique quality of being very resistant to the viruses, and 30 percent of their viral load is coronavirus. And so, we went and irritated them by doing things, experimenting with them, and they are having a revenge on us now. So that’s what one of the chapters is all about.”

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