LUPE to host migrant rights workshop

1 month ago 74

SAN JUAN, Texas (ValleyCentral) — La Union del Pueblo Entero, known as LUPE, is preparing to hold two migrant rights workshops.

The workshops aims to inform migrants about their rights if they encounter law enforcement and immigration officers.

"It's important for people to be prepared and know their rights so that when the time comes, they arent taken advantage of," said Kayla Montano, LUPE community organizer.

LUPE will host two workshop sessions.

The first workshop will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday at 1601 U.S. Bus 83 in San Juan.

The second workshop will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3 at 208 Alton Blvd. Ste B in Alton.

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