Letters to the Editor | Week of Nov. 25-30, 2024

3 months ago 79
Trumpistas in the Valley

A few weeks ago I saw a couple of women at a street corner in San Benito waving a large sign that read “Drive the Democrats out of the Valley.” One woman appeared to be Mayra Flores, a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress.

I thought, what are these women thinking? If it hadn’t been for the Democrats, these women would never have gotten to where they are today!

The Democrats have done a lot more for our civil rights than the Republicans. If it weren’t for the Democrats, you and your family might still be in Mexico, or you could be working as a maid in a motel or waiting on tables. So be thankful for the Democrats. They are responsible for you being where you are today.

I truly believe that these young naïve Latinas are being brainwashed by their “cult” leader, Señor Donald Trump, who has no respect for anybody but himself.

Remember this old saying: “Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are.”

So wise up, Mayra Flores and Monica De La Cruz. Stop bashing the Democrats. The Democrats are the compassionate party that helps the poor and the less fortunate, of which there are so many here in the Valley. The Republicans, on the other hand, are the party that helps the rich, like Elon Musk, who don’t care about the environment, or anything else, but making money.

Let’s drive the “Trumpistas” out of the Valley! Democrats are the party of choice here in the Rio Grande Valley.

Tony Rodriguez

San Benito

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