Letters to the Editor | Week of July 1-6, 2024

2 months ago 73
Greed blamed for inflation

The cause of today’s inflation is corporate greed and record high consumerism.

Before COVID we were heading for deep inflation caused by the Donald Trump tariffs and tax breaks for the rich. Trump got a free pass because COVID hit us just before the inflation took effect. COVID exacerbated inflation. Even though the U.S. dealt with the economic consequences better than any other country, it caused an immediate rise in inflation. All energy prices skyrocketed and all food and consumer goods prices went up immediately and we accepted it because of COVID.

Well, thanks to our modern medicine COVID is no longer a threat and things have gone back to normal health wise-now for a long while. So why are we still plagued by the same COVID-style inflation?

Corporate greed is the answer. Corporations are making record-high profits like never before. Covid showed corporations that consumers will complain about the high prices but continue to consume and spend the same or more than ever. We consumers will pay whatever price the corporations want to charge us. Corporations are there to make as much profit and spend as little as possible making the product. But what if all they have to do is produce the same or less and just raise the price? The consumer will pay whatever the corporations want to charge. We complain, but we are still using and consuming even more of everything than before COVID.

So we blame the government for inflation. The U.S. is a capitalist economy. Producers of consumer goods and services dictate the price. It used to be a supply-and-demand economy. Now it is a supplier-dictated economy. Unless there is a state of natural catastrophe or national defense situation, the U.S. government cannot dictate the prices.

Today the members of the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court are in bed with the major corporations and the rich. Consumer protection regulations have been removed, relaxed, or not enforced at all. Airplanes are falling out of the sky, trains are spilling toxic chemicals into poor neighborhoods along the railroads, bridges are collapsing, cars are recalled because of dangerous or faulty systems, medical drugs are recalled after people die.

All these things did not happen before because consumer protection regulations were taken seriously.

Our economic inflation is not a big mystery. It is produced and fed by us, the American people who want more of everything and we want it now no matter the price. We will complain but do not take the time to become informed. Think!

Arnoldo Gonzalez


Democrats draw attack

Does it look like the leftist, washed-up, Hollywood globalist elites are frenetically trying to finance Obama’s fourth autocratic presidency or what? Talk about someone who refuses to leave the addictive power of a globalist dictatorship presidency! Where’s Robert De Niro’s “He’ll never go away!” when it’s needed?

Is the Democrats’ poor, bungling vessel too frail and clueless to know he’s being used? God have mercy on this cruelty against humanity.

The gagging-censoring media are naively pretending the world’s too dumb to figure it out!

The only people who take offense against you for speaking the truth are those people who are living a lie. Keep speaking the truth.

Imelda Coronado


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