Letters to the Editor | Week of Feb. 26-March 2, 2024

6 months ago 144
Only cowards ever relocate

In response to Mr. Gerard Pahl’s response letter of Jan. 30, I have always called all these male adults fleeing their countries for a better life cowards! Yes, cowards! They are here to benefit from what this country and our people have suffered through to have what we have!

Mr. Pahl asks what another person would do in the same financial situation. I would not be here if I were in their shoes!

We went to war with England, established a new government, went through our own civil war and saw nothing but death and more death! Freedom to live your life as you please today has not come cheap.

These men have no desire to change their country as we Americans did years ago. They can get in line with their entire family and petition our country for entry, the legal way!

Ernest Gorena


Democrats spur attack

Democrats are panicking, trying at all costs to keep Donald Trump from running, because of the long media-suppressed, possible exposure of the damage and evil they’ve done to America if Trump wins.

They keep inventing daily evil accusations against Trump to cover their long-unlimited evils: The illegal migration invasions they’ve created, against long-existing, lawful immigration laws; also, the mutilation of children; the abortion of unborn babies; the drag queen shows; the increasing incoming drugs and books they’ve pushed on innocent children; ignoring the crimes escalating on our own border, namely the sex-slavery trafficking ruining young lives forever.

They care more about corrupt United Nations relief programs for our adversaries, covering up corruption in Ukraine, Iran and Hamas rather than helping America’s own suffering people.

The Soviet Union and Adolf Hitler did enough damage, now they’re trying to outdo their evil by escalating their own.

We respect adult personal choices of every human being, but never the coercion and mutilation of innocent children, because real Americans do care for the protection of innocent children. God loves his little children and would do anything to prevent their annihilation.

No wonder their attacks do not stop, to keep a communist and ungodly takeover ongoing and a fake Green New Deal enriching them, pure and simple. Last reminder, do they ever mention the Biden family scandals, the FISA abuses against Americans, the Fani Willis scandal, the massive trillions spent on fraud Paycheck Protection Program loans, their clinging to “insurrection” when our top legal minds have refused to call it that?

Of course they view themselves as pillars of honesty, because they’ve become masters of truth suppression, just like Russia, Nazi, fascist and all communist countries have done before. They follow their playbook to perfection and accuse the Republicans of what they do, to deflect from their ongoing evils. That is not American democracy; stop the cynical lies!

Stop talking about a “broken border;” the truth is the constitutional laws are in place; they’re being destroyed by communist revolutionaries seeking elitist power for themselves, not we the people.

Imelda Coronado


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