Letters to the Editor | Week of Feb. 24-March 1, 2025

2 weeks ago 60
Comments on protest

This letter is in response to the article about the Feb. 1 protest in McAllen. For some reason the article takes cheap shots at the Trump Trains.

The article is factually incorrect in saying that the trains had been active since 2016. Secondly, the Trump Train this past election cycle didn’t occupy anything. We protested peacefully with great consideration for others. Not sure why the article tried to misrepresent that the Trump Trains occupied anything.

Then in another cheap shot the article quotes someone saying that they were for something rather than against something in reference to the Trump Trains. The Trump Trains were for President Donald Trump, for legal immigration, for law and order and America first policies. We actually agree with the person interviewed who mistakenly said we were not standing for things when he said there are bad people in all nationalities.

Supporters of President Donald Trump participate in a Trump Train caravan on Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, in McAllen. (Joel Martinez | jmartinez@themonitor.com)

That’s why we’re for legal immigration.

It would have been nice for the article to have interviewed the Trump Train people if the article was going to mention the Trump Train with so many cheap shots thrown at the Trump Train, which was not present in the Feb. 1 protest that did occupy 10th Street.

The Trump Train by the way in what it stands for seems to be very in tune with the values in the RGV since the presidential candidate we were for won in all the counties in the RGV.

Gary Groves


Protest opposed

Social justice in a form of protest, allowed to go beyond the law to show their strength by numbers and opposition of a law in question — a show of force to get their way and challenging the rule of law in America — is very dangerous.

An article in this newspaper on Feb. 3 is about a protest supporting illegal immigration and challenging the federal government for enforcing immigration law that remained dormant during the Joe Biden administration. Their protest was in violation of city code, without a city permit.

To include interfering with traffic laws by blocking 10th Street with cars and people flying the Mexican flag did not impress me one bit. No type of traffic fines were filed and no one was arrested. It was a clear sign of disrespect for the American flag and the nation we live in. Disrespect for the flag of this nation was clearly displayed.

People gather to protest U.S. President Donald Trump’s immigrant policies along South 10th Street on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025, in McAllen. (Joel Martinez | jmartinez@themonitor.com)

And flying a foreign flag instead was a sign of defiance and disrespect for this nation. In a time of need, these people will turn on a dime against us and flee south and not even look back on how well they had it living in America, and show no respect or remorse as long as they get their way.

I have no words of excuse for this type of behavior that may spread throughout our nation like wildfire and infect others’ attitudes and bring this great nation down. We cannot afford to continue with this negative attitude and not be affected by it in some shape or form.

This is a threat to democracy and society; this attitude can bring us down to our knees; if it happened to the Great Roman Empire, it can also happen to us if we allowed it to flourish and destroy this great nation.

Rafael Madrigal


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to letters@myRGV.com.

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