Letters to the Editor | Week of Dec. 2-7, 2024

3 months ago 104
Election evaluated

Donald Trump has been campaigning for the presidency for almost 10 years. Kamala Harris for less than three months. And yet, I naively believed Kamala could easily trounce Trump and that would be the last of him. Knowing what we know about Trump’s demeanor, why would any sensible person want him back in office? Well, apparently, judging from the outcome of the election, millions of people haven’t had enough of him. Some Christian ladies even praised God on Facebook for answering their prayers that the man who disparaged Vice President Harris with the b-word be elected president once again! And Hallelujah! God (so they say) heard their prayers!

And then we have the Hispanic “machismos” who don’t particularly like Trump but they voted for him anyway. In their opinion, a woman belongs in the kitchen, not in the Oval Office. Yes, the intelligent lady who trounced Trump in their first debate and who sent him running away from a second with his tail between his legs is not strong enough to be president? Ay caramba! Have our counterparts in Mexico evolved into more sensible thinkers quicker than U.S. Hispanics? The people from Mexico already crossed that line and we should too. Who knows, a woman president might pleasantly surprise us with a much greater America. And are you Christian ladies out there paying attention? Can we count on your prayers?

Since the Supreme Court ruled that a sitting president is above the law, maybe Joe Biden should resign and make Kamala Harris our 47th president for at least two months anyway. She can do whatever she wants; for two months she can act like a dictator and give Trump a taste of his own ambitions. My, wouldn’t that light up the sky with fireworks!

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, however, are not built that way. They are “burdened” with this stuff called character, decency and integrity. They have already congratulated Trump for his victory. They have assured him that the transition of power will be a peaceful one. And they have graciously asked him to honorably do his job, to protect our Constitution and our democracy from those who want to destroy it.

So, will he act presidential or will he act like a dork? Nobody ever knows, so buckle up!

Italo J. Zarate


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