Letters to the Editor | Week of Dec. 16-21, 2024

1 month ago 72
Mandate for Trump

The Rio Grande Valley counties of Hidalgo, Starr, Cameron and Willacy all had voters in the majority cast votes for Donald J. Trump for president, and these counties fell in with all Texas border counties that voted for President Trump as well. What this means is that the tyranny of the minority is over, the 3 percenters lost. All the alphabet radical groups that for the past four years under the Biden administration have had their way and their woke philosophies have had their mandate upended by rational voters here in Texas and nationally.

We the People have spoken, and given the 47th president of the United States a mandate to return our government to the center, to “right the ship of state,” as it were.

The oxymoron of the Inflation Reduction Act that may have assisted some cottage businesses or farms with subsidizing the production of high-priced boutique meats and eggs that the average consumer would not benefit from is one example because it only benefited a few, not the many. So I hope our legislators at every level will see how America voted and remember that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the far left few.

Jake Longoria


Posada recalled

At 4.15 a.m. Dec. 6. I lay half-awake in my bed — dreaming, remembering, visualizing Christmas Eve 1946 in Brownsville. I was 10 years old.

There were small, scattered, candle-lit family groups, children accompanied by their parents and grandparents, “abuelos.” They were coming through the neighborhood on a “posada,” a pilgrimage, depicting Joseph’s and Mary’s search for lodging for themselves and the birth of their baby and being turned away until they found shelter in a manger with the animals.

They sang “Noche de Paz, Noche de Amor.”

We opened our doors and handed out small, brown paper bags filled with an apple or an orange, walnuts, pecans and almonds in their hard shells, and maybe a candy cane — the same gifts we found in our stockings on Christmas morning.

We exchanged “Feliz Navidad y prospero Año Nuevo” with each other and they continued into the night.

Robert Ward

League City, Texas

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