Letters to the Editor | Week of Aug. 12-17, 2024

1 month ago 40
Souls sold

Donald Trump believes God was on his side when he was shot at. Others concur that it was the hand of God that protected him. When Trump instigated a mob of Neanderthals to storm and ravage the Capitol, hang Mike Pence and forcefully stay in power, does he believe God was on his side when he committed this crime? Or was it the devil?

How come God sided with the convicted felon who never goes to church and not with Corey Comperatore, who was there supporting him and who went to church every Sunday with his wife and children? Why was God not on their side? Hoo-boy, as they say, God works in mysterious ways.

Allow me to share Eric Luft’s letter to the Republican Party. It is so true:

“Dear Republican Party: You Sold Your Soul.

“You used to stand for patriotism, but you sold your soul to a traitor who conspired with an enemy to destroy our democracy. You used to stand for our armed forces, but you sold your soul to a draft dodger who mocked their courage and sacrifice. You used to stand for hard-working Americans, but you sold your soul to a con man who made his fortune by cheating them. You used to stand for the American Dream, but you sold your soul to a racist who traded the Statue of Liberty for walls and cages. You used to stand for family values, but you sold your soul to a predator who betrayed all three of his wives. And you used to stand for Jesus, but you sold your soul to a wolf in sheep’s clothing who makes a mockery of Christianity. Whatever he paid you for your soul, I hope it was worth it. But knowing him, you’re probably still waiting for your check.” Amen and Hoo-boy!

Italo J. Zarate


Biden, Harris draw support

President Joe Biden again proved that, unlike his past opponent, he is for America and not his ego, just his friends, or just the radical fringe.

Thank you Joe! Your thoughtful decision gives all of us a better chance of continued good government in America. It also gives us Independents, Democrats and progressives the chance to focus on and continue the progress made under Joe’s guidance, and the benefits of governance by Democrats rather than the hateful, divisive, violently radical party the Republicans have become.

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., pass each other as Harris moves to the podium to speak during a campaign event in Wilmington, Del., Aug. 12, 2020. She’s already broken barriers, and now Vice President Harris could soon become the first Black woman to head a major party’s presidential ticket after President Joe Biden’s ended his reelection bid. The 59-year-old Harris was endorsed by Biden on Sunday, July 21, after he stepped aside amid widespread concerns about the viability of his candidacy. (Carolyn Kaster/AP File Photo)

Welcome to the fray, Vice President Kamala Harris. You will continue the future of America unaffected by excess wealth, a criminal conviction, radical ideals or the lack of ethics and morality clearly demonstrated by the radical Republicans, MAGA and their past president. You are a lawyer and therefore know the difference between lawful acts and those of your opponent. Good Luck! Trump will fight dirty. Please stay above his muck.

Ned Sheats


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