The U.S. Border Patrol is investigating an alleged incident of animal abuse by an agent working at the Falfurrias checkpoint following a 24-second video posted to Facebook on Wednesday by a commuter that shows a female agent kneeing a K-9 several times.
On Wednesday, Gloria I. Chavez, chief patrol agent for the Rio Grande Valley Sector, confirmed the investigation in a statement and thanked the public for bringing it to their attention.
“The U.S. Border Patrol takes every allegation seriously. Our K9s are extremely valuable to our border security mission. We love our dogs,” Chavez said. “They are very special law enforcement partners. Any mistreatment of abuse by their handlers will not be tolerated in any capacity.”
Chavez said the proper notifications have been made for a full investigation into the allegations.
“Be assured that our K9 is safe,” Chavez said. “I appreciate all your love, concern, and support for our K9 partners. Be assured our K9s and their safety will always be a top priority.”
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