Harlingen PD: Drive Sober, No Regrets Holiday Campaign

3 months ago 111

HARLINGEN, Texas (ValleyCentral) — During the holiday season, the Harlingen Police Department emphasizes the "Drive Sober, No Regrets" campaign to combat drunk driving.

Last year in Texas 126 lives were claimed by drunk driving.

Sgt. Sal Carmons emphasized the importance of planning ahead, such as designating a sober driver.

"We've seen at a lot of the family gatherings there are situations where everybody's drinking, cooking out, that we forget to take care of this person. Let them stay there for the night. Make sure they have somebody come to get them because you're having the party, you're responsible for everybody at your party, so you want to make sure that you have somebody that's watching everybody as they leave. Make sure everyone is safe to drive. It's better to stay there where you're at or get somebody to come and give you a ride," said Carmona.

Carmona added that increased patrols will begin on Dec. 13 with extra officers looking for drunk drivers. Citizens are encouraged to report suspicious drivers to 911. The penalties for DWI are severe, including high legal costs and potential job loss.

The campaign aims to prevent both the financial and tragic consequences of drunk driving.

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