Firework sales climb across Valley ahead of holidays

2 months ago 89

RIO GRANDE VALLEY, Texas (ValleyCentral) — With New Year's festivities right around the corner firework stands are opening their doors in the Rio Grande Valley.

It is known to pop fireworks during New Year's Eve, as a way to celebrate the holidays.

Martha Guerrero, the manager of USA Fireworks, told ValleyCentral sales leading up to the holiday season have been good.

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However, she mentioned there is a difference in sales when it comes to Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

"There is a clear difference when it comes to those holidays, because not a lot of people celebrate Christmas Eve, compared to New Year's Eve," Guerrero said. "New Year's Eve is where they really come out and buy, and celebrate with their families."

When it comes to the difference in Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve not only are the sales different but also what type of fireworks they purchase are different.

Guerrero added, that for Christmas Eve customers usually buy smaller fireworks, such as the fountains compared to New Year's Eve she has seen customers buy artillery shells type fireworks.

She added USA Fireworks has one building and five stands located across the Rio Grande Valley.

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