RIO GRANDE VALLEY, Texas (ValleyCentral) — There is opposition and support for school vouchers in the Rio Grande Valley.
It is part of Senate Bill 2 which would allow parents to use taxpayer dollars to fund private school education for their children.
"The history is that you can send your child to a private school, but you pay for it. The taxpayers are now paying for private education," said Education Consultant George McShan.
If passed, an education savings account will now be created with a billion-dollar fund.
Those with roots in the education system in the Valley say it could take a toll on public education, which includes extracurricular activities like sports and music programs.
"That would all go away if this bill is passed," said Patrick Hammes, Brownsville Educators Stand Together Union. "So we are hoping that those legislators, we don't care what party they belong to, but that they care about their community, they care about their children, and that they will vote no on vouchers."
The bill prioritizes families that make up to 500% above the poverty line, which is about $133, 250 for a family of three.
"If I'm a family making $40,000 a year will I be able to provide transportation for my child to go to a public school? But if I'm making $160,000 I probably can," said McShan.
Meanwhile, State Senator Adam Hinojosa released a statement saying the bill is a significant step forward in empowering parents and enhancing school choice.