DHR Health ICU earns prestigious certification

1 month ago 69

EDINBURG, Texas (ValleyCentral) — DHR Health announced its Intensive Care Unit (ICU) has earned a prestigious certification.

The hospital received the Joint Commission’s Disease Specific Certification in Respiratory Failure, known in the healthcare industry as the gold approval standard.

DHR Health joins 1% of hospitals nationwide to have the certification and the only facility in the Rio Grande Valley to have the distinction. 

"This certification highlights DHR Health’s commitment to using a team-based approach, evidence-based medicine and standardized protocols to treat a full spectrum of respiratory conditions," said Dr. Juan Marcos Chavez Paz, DHR Health ICU Medical Director.

According to Marissa Castaneda, Senior Executive Vice President at DHR Health, this achievement is more than just a certificate.

"This achievement demonstrates the commitment, dedication and excellence of our health care providers at DHR Health. They remain committed to our patients and to our community and strive each day to exceed the standards of care to the Rio Grande Valley," Castaneda said.

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