Commentary: A Father’s Day reminder to embracing health for the sake of our families

3 months ago 93
DHR Health ophthalmologist Dr. Jorge A. Montes is pictured with his wife, Dr. Laura I. Montes, and their three sons, from left, Nicholas, Diego and Lucas. (Courtesy photo)

As we celebrate Father’s Day this weekend, it’s a poignant time to reflect on the pivotal role we, as men, play not only as fathers but as guardians of our family’s health. Too often, men neglect their own health, brushing aside symptoms and skipping vital health screenings.

Yet, as fathers and family leaders, our well-being directly influences the health and happiness of our loved ones.

As an ophthalmologist at DHR Health, I see firsthand how proactive health management can prevent serious conditions. Regular eye exams, for example, can detect more than just vision problems; they can uncover early signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, and even some cancers. But eye health is just one piece of the puzzle. Comprehensive health check-ups, including cholesterol and blood pressure monitoring, prostate exams, and mental health screenings, are crucial.

Neglecting these check-ups can have dire consequences. For instance, heart disease remains the leading cause of death for men, often striking without warning. Regular screenings can detect risk factors early, allowing for lifestyle changes or treatments that can save lives. Similarly, mental health, often stigmatized and overlooked, is a critical area where men must pay attention. Depression and anxiety can be debilitating, yet they are highly treatable when addressed with the same urgency as physical ailments.

Our health behaviors set a powerful example for our children. They watch how we treat our bodies, how we handle stress, and how we prioritize our well-being. By actively engaging in our own health care, we teach our children the importance of self-care and preventive medicine. This Father’s Day, consider the gift of health as the greatest legacy we can leave for our children.

Moreover, our involvement in our children’s health is paramount. From scheduling pediatric check-ups to ensuring a balanced diet and regular physical activity, our role is integral. Understanding the health milestones for children, such as vision screenings, immunizations, and dental care, allows us to advocate effectively for their well-being. It’s time to shift the narrative. Men are not invincible, and acknowledging our vulnerabilities does not diminish our strength. Instead, it empowers us to be the best versions of ourselves, capable of leading our families with vitality and wisdom.

This Father’s Day, let’s commit to regular health screenings, open conversations about mental health, and active participation in our children’s health journeys. By prioritizing our health, we not only enhance our own lives but also fortify the future of those we love the most. To all the fathers out there, remember: Your health is a gift to your family. Embrace it, cherish it, and take action. Happy Father’s Day!

Dr. Jorge A. Montes is an ophthalmologist with DHR Health.

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