Cantú: Having a user-group of AI enthusiasts will attract more people to Brownsville

1 month ago 60

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – The organizer of a recent Artificial Intelligence for Small Businesses workshop held at the eBridge Center for Business and Commercialization believes a small but dedicated user-group of AI enthusiasts will emerge in Brownsville.

And, in turn, this group will make the city an even more attractive place for budding entrepreneurs to move to.

Rubén Cantú, founder and executive director of LMNTS, gave an exclusive video interview to the Rio Grande Guardian at the conclusion of his workshop. In the interview, Cantú thanked the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation for its support and said he was pleased with the level of engagement.

“We had over 40 people show up and we had to keep increasing the capacity on our event page because it kept selling out,” Cantú said.

It was put to Cantú that the reason he had a good turnout was the catchphrase he came up with. It was, AI Took My Job… To The Next Level.”

Cantú said the level of interest in AI was so great that people at the workshop were coming up to him afterwards asking, when is the next one.

“People were, like, hey, are you going to build a community? You say you’re gonna build an AI community. We want to be part of that community. So, I think that’s the next step. Starting a little user group,” Cantú said.

Cantú, who is also executive director for the soon-to-launched Frontera Leadership Institute at the eBridge Center, said he will not be the one to lead the AI user-group.

“I think there’s a group of people that are like, hey, I’ll lead a week. Everyone does a Show and Tell, and we learn different aspects of AI. I think that’s going to actually spur the community and get more people engaged. And, the next thing you know, there’s a user-base, a user-group here of experts in AI, and I think that’s going to attract a lot of people to come to Brownsville.”

Asked about the audience he spoke to, Cantú said:

“I think it was a good representative of the small business community here in Brownsville, Texas.You had people who are just opening a hair salon, you had people who had import-export businesses, and people who had e-commerce businesses who wanted to polish up.

“We had someone who has a coffee and bike shop here in town who is supportive of the local community in the business space. And they all got something out of it. And so, I think that this is what we’re trying to do. This is why e-Bridge is here, because we’re the crossroads of helping spur new economic growth in our community.”

Cantú said people were right to be interested in AI because it is here to stay.

“I think it’s foolish to try to be anti-technology. But I think it’s smart to be discerning with technology. And I think that the more we get hands-on and familiar with it, we can understand the short term and long-term implications of it,” Cantú said.

“There are still implications that we’re having on social media… like, we see the detrimental effects that social media has had on young people. But we also see the opportunities.”

By way of example, he said WhatsApp has become a global hit that people can utilize for e-commerce.

And on to the billion-dollar question: What impact will AI have?

Cantú responded: “The level of disruption that AI is predicted to have is seismic. I think that we have a bigger impending tsunami coming figuratively speaking with AI than we think that we can even imagine.”

But Cantú was quick to add: “That’s not to get people scared. We’re not all just going to become extinct, right? There is still going to be a need and with new ideas and new energy and new industries come new jobs. And so, I believe that AI will enhance not only the current jobs but will create new needs for new specialties that are emerging, and we are developing right now.

“So, I don’t think you’ll see a small business that doesn’t have AI in the next ten years. It’s just a matter of how they integrate it and how they choose to integrate it.”

Asked if the people in Brownsville are keen to learn about AI, Cantú said:

“I think there’s an appetite for the Rio Grande Valley, but I think what’s unique about Brownsville, and, of course, being right on the border… I think that there is this renaissance that is emerging. (For example) we’re trying to develop the downtown area. We’re trying to bring SpaceX. It just announced it’s going to move its headquarters here. (Then there is) LNG and all their activity happening.

“We want to make sure that as we develop the community itself, on the ground, it is about getting access to the latest and greatest insights and research and resources that they need to empower themselves and their decisions and also being able to contribute to the new economy. And I think that’s why we are here, and I think that’s why we had a really good turnout.”

Cantú has only just landed in Brownsville, but he is already impressed with a “can-do” attitude he has witnessed.

“I think that we have that here in Brownsville. We just need more people to get plugged in,” Cantú said. “One of the things I’ve noticed is that while the good heartedness happens, we also have a lot of young people who are hungry and intelligent. They just may be a little shy. So, we want to make sure that we encourage them to like step up, take up space, and use their voice because I think when they decide to have that happen, this place will go bonkers.”

Asked how well LMENTS has been received, Cantú said:

“The community has been really welcoming and respectful of us. We’re getting to know a lot more of the business community here. I think the college community, Texas southmost College, and other adjacent institutions have welcomed us. They want to learn more about who we are. So, we’re looking forward to like getting on the ground and getting to know more of the community here.”

Asked if he had any wrap-up remarks to make, Cantú said:

You know, time goes by fast and before you know it two, five, ten years will go by. And I think instead of being spectators, of thinking about well, do I belong here in this tech community? Do I belong in this new economy? I think the time is (right) to jump in. I think it’s time to collectively choose what the direction, what the vision is, of Brownsville.”

Cantú said a colleague recently asked him to explain the story Brownsville wishes to create.

“Austin is one story. Texas is one story. But what’s Brownsville story? I was having a hard time answering him because I can’t decide. I can’t define the Brownsville story. Brownsville has to define its story. And I’m here to witness and support Brownsville and its creation of its story,” Cantú said.

“And so, if you are part of Brownsville and you want to see this emerge, we’re here to help. Reach out to us. And let’s see how we can collaborate together. Whether you’re a student or not, or you’re just community partner. Come say “hi” to us. Shake our hand. Let’s go get coffee. And let’s see how we can actually collectively build communal wealth here together.”

Editor’s Note: Here is the video interview with Rubén Cantú that followed his workshop on AI:

The post Cantú: Having a user-group of AI enthusiasts will attract more people to Brownsville appeared first on Rio Grande Guardian.

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