Brownsville’s Moody Clinic continues to accept orders during its annual poinsettia plant sale, one of two main fundraisers that take place during the holiday season.
Pickup day is Dec. 9 at the Moody Clinic, 1901 E. 22nd St. The plants cost $25 and the clinic offers free delivery on orders of 20 plants or more.
Every year the clinic sells thousands of poinsettia plants in Brownsville and beyond, and they serve as a meaningful way to donate funds to the nonprofit clinic, which provides speech, physical and occupational therapy services to children with special needs.
This year, a portion of the expenses involved in staging the sale are being defrayed by donations from the Rotary clubs of Ranch Viejo, North Brownsville and the Rotary Club of Brownsville Charitable Foundation.

David Tumlinson, Rotary Club of Rancho Viejo immediate past president, said his club’s donation came after a presentation last summer by Moody Clinic CEO Jessica Cuevas and her staff to the three clubs.
He said the Moody Clinic’s mission to provide affordable access to rehabilitative care and create a lasting impact for those who would otherwise go untreated was exemplary of the Rotary mission of service above self.
He and Cuevas said many of the services provided at the Moody Clinic are only available outside the Rio Grande Valley in larger cities like San Antonio or Houston.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available for Mistletoe & Martini, the clinic’s other main holiday season fundraiser. It takes place Dec. 13 at the Rancho Viejo Country Club.
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