Weslaco mayor put political consultant on city payroll

3 months ago 98

WESLACO, Texas (ValleyCentral) — The mayor of Weslaco put a political consultant on the city payroll in May after she provided his campaign with “compliance” services.

Mayor Adrian Gonzalez inked a three-month contract with Prisylla Ann Jasso, 51, of McAllen on May 1.

“She did my final campaign report,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “And that’s where I got in discussions with her — everything that she does.”

Jasso worked for Border Health PAC, a political action committee affiliated with DHR Health. Through her job, Jasso developed connections with politicians in Texas and Washington.

“I got that good vibe,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “And I’m like: Man, you’d be great to help me out in my vision, in what I want to do with Weslaco.”

Mayor Gonzalez and Jasso signed a three-month contract.

Jasso agreed to provide the mayor with “insight into the political environment relating to public and government affairs,” according to the contract. In exchange, Weslaco would pay her $3,000 per month.

After the contract was signed, Jasso continued her work for Mayor Gonzalez’s political campaign.

Mayor Gonzalez said City Manager Martin Garza informed him that Jasso had solicited at least one person for a campaign contribution. As soon as Garza told him, Mayor Gonzalez said he talked with Jasso.

“And said: Hey, we want to do things right. We’re going to move in the right direction,” Mayor Gonzalez said, recalling the conversation. “Even though you can do what you like, it just doesn’t look right. So we cleared that up.”

Jasso wasn’t the only consultant Mayor Gonzalez hired in May.

Mayor Gonzalez also struck a deal with Jonas A. Gonzalez, the director of public utilities for the city of Donna.

Jonas A. Gonzalez owns a consulting firm called South Texas Brightwater Solutions.

“I have about 26 years of experience,” Jonas A. Gonzalez said, adding that he’s familiar with a wide array of water and wastewater issues.

Mayor Gonzalez said he wants Brightwater Solutions to assist Weslaco with everything from lift stations to a multi-million dollar sewer plant expansion.

“It’s a pretty wide range of services,” Jonas A. Gonzalez said. “But I guess that’s how it is for consulting.”

Mayor Gonzalez signed a three-month contract with Brightwater Solutions for up to $2,050 per month.

“I want to make sure that everything is done right and correctly,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “And that we have extra eyes and ears out there, looking at everything that we do.”

Before he signed the contracts, Mayor Gonzalez said he checked with the city manager and the city attorney.

“I want to make sure I do everything the right way. We don’t want to do anything that we’re not supposed to,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “And that’s why I went with legal and our city manager and told them what I wanted to do, moving forward, with the city.”

Whether or not Mayor Gonzalez actually had the authority to approve the consulting contracts remains a point of contention.

City Commissioner Greg Kerr questioned Jasso during a City Commission meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

Kerr asked if she had contracts with other cities.

“Consulting contracts? No,” said Jasso, who added that she had worked for public officials in other capacities.

Jasso said that she created a political action committee when Ambrosio “Amos” Hernandez ran for mayor of Pharr.

“I do their compliance work,” Jasso said. “But if there is any city business that I can facilitate meetings with or for, then I work with the individual either commissioner or the mayor.”

Jasso also handled “compliance work” for public officials in Edinburg, San Juan, and Alamo.

“And this is, again, for compliance,” Jasso said. “Not city contracts.”

Kerr asked Jasso what, exactly, “compliance” meant.

“Anything campaign-related,” Jasso said. “I consult them as far as what they can and cannot do, in terms of their position. What monies can be spent. What monies can be accepted.”

Kerr asked Jasso why Weslaco needed her services. Before she could answer, Mayor Gonzalez stopped the back-and-forth between them.

“There’s a lot of funding. There’s a lot of grant money. There’s a lot of things that we want to go after,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “And I need that help.”

Mayor Gonzalez said Jasso knew people who could help Weslaco secure that money.

“I think it’s a good thing for me,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “And I apologize. I apologize for not bringing it to you guys and letting you know.”

Mayor Gonzalez said that, as mayor, he could approve the contracts.

“You’re under the impression that you can execute contracts without board authority to hire a consultant who runs your campaign?” Kerr said.

“No, no, no,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “She does not run my campaign.”

Jasso helped with his campaign finance report, Mayor Gonzalez said, and that’s how they met.

Mayor Gonzalez asked City Attorney Juan E. Gonzalez to explain the contract-approval process.

After reviewing the law and city policy, Juan E. Gonzalez said he determined the city manager had the authority to approve consulting contracts worth $15,000 or less without City Commission approval.

“And since these are professional services, bids are not required,” Juan E. Gonzalez said.

Mayor Gonzalez, however, had signed the contract between Weslaco and Jasso — not the city manager.

After a question about the contract surfaced, Juan E. Gonzalez said he checked with the city manager.

“He told me that he had authorized it,” Juan E. Gonzalez said. “And, as far as I’m concerned, we’re good to go.”

Garza, the city manager, said he received a legal opinion from Juan E. Gonzalez on April 29, days before Mayor Gonzalez signed the contract with Jasso.

Kerr didn’t buy it.

“I still think it’s illegal,” Kerr said. “And I’m disappointed that we did this.”

Kerr motioned to cancel the contracts with Jasso and Brightwater Solutions. City Commissioner Letty Lopez seconded the motions, but nobody joined them.

Both motions failed.

Kerr, who is an attorney, said he disagreed with Juan E. Gonzalez’s opinion and remained deeply concerned about the contract with Jasso.

“This contract, this illegal contract, came about as a result of his existing political relationship, with her assisting him with his campaign endeavors,” Kerr said. “And then, a couple months later, she’s hired in a contract, by the mayor, completely avoiding the City Commission.”

Mayor Gonzalez maintained that he didn’t do anything wrong.

“We may not always agree,” Mayor Gonzalez said. “But at the end of the day, I know that all of us mean well for the city of Weslaco.”

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