Villarreal: Rio Grande City is surpassing all historical metrics

2 weeks ago 52

Ladies and gentlemen, Rio Grande City proclaims here today that we have surpassed all historical metrics. 

We are in the greatest position in the history of Rio Grande City and our economic forecast radiates brighter every single day. For we are transforming our region for generations to come. Right here, right now, right Moment. We are getting it done. 

Good afternoon. Welcome. And thank you for joining us today in beautiful Rio Grande City, a historic community with modern appeal that embraces a high quality of life and where people come to live, to work and to forge the American dream. 

Now it is without question that Rio Grande City is actually forging tremendous growth, prosperity and success. We have historical job creation, millions of dollars in new salaries and benefits. Historical fund balance leading to an A bond rating and a savings of millions of dollars in lower interest rates. 

Historical sales revenues affording us to lower our tax rate from 56 to 52 cents and being among the lowest of cities in the Rio Grande Valley. 

Historical homeownership at 72%, above the national and state averages of 64 and 62%. Historical investment in infrastructure, millions of dollars in order to sustain and support any and all future development. 

Historical investment in safety and security. A multimillion dollar public safety building with all the bells and whistles going in there very soon. 

Historical investment in medicine. We will have a medical residency program in Rio Grande City with a public private partnership in 2025 along with other specialty clinics. So all our medical community will benefit and, of course, our community, not just on the city but all the other municipalities here in Starr County, as well as Zapata and western Hidalgo County. And certainly our friends from Mexico. 

Historical investments in mobility and connectivity. State Loop 195, International Boulevard leading to a port of entry. Historical investment in transportation, trade, commerce. Tens of thousands of square feet of warehousing and cold storage coming soon to Rio Grande city. 

Historical investment in hospitality retail tourism. We will become a destination for retail and tourism. 

We support an international land port of entry, billions of dollars in trade, with destination anywhere and everywhere USA. 

We have a strong and young workforce. Our cost of living is below the national average by staggering 26%. Our business community is booming. We have a bicultural, binational, bilingual, identity that serves as our strength. 

We have a nationally recognized Main Street program seven years run. A library that is nationally recognized and state recognition, seven years running. And we have a first or should I say highest ever rating in ISO, which is the Insurance Services Office rating, which translates to lower home insurance premiums in Rio Grande City. 

And recently we were named and recognized by World Atlas in the top eight best small towns in Texas to retire. Rio Grande City is a great place to live, to work, to forge the American dream and to enjoy retirement. 

Thank you to our City Commission. Thank you to all personnel for making this happen. Rio Grande City, our economic forecast radiates brighter every single day. 

Editor’s Note: The above commentary consists of extracts from Rio Grande City Mayor Joel Villarreal’s 2024 State of the City Address. Below is a link to a video recording of the event, courtesy of the City of Rio Grande City.

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