Villarreal: I’m confident VIDA is poised for untold impact and success

3 months ago 84

As I reflect on my second year of serving as president and CEO of VIDA, I am filled with utmost gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable support and dedication of my entire team and board of directors toward advancing VIDA’s mission.

I feel immensely proud of the monumental growth and accomplishments we have experienced in 2023, from being one of 25 organizations nationwide – and the only one in Texas – to secure a $3 million Nursing Expansion Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, to expanding our team to 18 individuals committed to workforce development across the RGV. I’m confident VIDA is poised for untold impact and success. 

In addition to our internal growth, I’m very pleased to witness an abundance of support from our community, strengthening existing partnerships and building new alliances. Thank you to all of our partners, local, state and federal government, economic development entities, institutions of higher education, private foundations, employers, industry leaders, nonprofits, and community based organizations, for your continued collaboration and trust in our program to accelerate student success, educating one life at a time. I strongly believe that as a nonprofit organization, with a more-than-29-year trajectory empowering learners from low-income backgrounds, we have incredible potential to continue impacting our communities, but working alongside our partners and through a collective effort, we can truly be limitless in promoting the economic development of our entire region through equitable education and workforce-training opportunities. 

I’m excited about the bright future ahead and look forward to the opportunity to unite efforts and resources that will continue to improve post-secondary education outcomes for all while aligning career training with local industry demand.

Editor’s Note: The above guest column was penned by Felida Villarreal., president & CEO of Valley Initiative for Development & Advancement (VIDA). The column first appeared in VIDA’s 2023 Annual Report, titled Impacting Sustainable Economic Growth… In the Region, One VIDA at a Time. Click here to read the report.

Cortez’s analysis

Editor’s Note: To coincide with the publication of VIDA’s new annual report, the Rio Grande Guardian reached out to Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez for a comment on the nonprofit. Cortez said: “VIDA is an outstanding organization. It is well-managed, has a tremendous board and is one of our best partners on the Prosperity Task Force because they do exactly what we’re trying to do. And that’s creating human capital. They’re taking people that have the skill, have the ability, to gain that human capital, to perform at a higher standard, and they’re giving them that opportunity by what they do. So, I’m just so happy that we’re part of them also. And they’re one of our partners, and every day I try to find monies for them to increase their capacity.”

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