Schwebel: TxDOT’s Border to Border Region Connectivity Study is a must read

1 week ago 54

BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS – A member of the Border Trade Advisory Committee has urged border mayors to read a new TXDOT document.

It is called the Border Region to Region Connectivity Study and it comes highly recommended by IBC Bank Executive Vice President Gerald ‘Gerry’ Schwebel.

“Actually, from TxDOT’s point of view, region to region means the border region. That means El Paso all the way down to Brownsville. The whole border region has a major stake in mobility, commerce as well,” Schwebel told the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service in an exclusive interview.

“A lot of people think trade flows north and south. But we have to look at east and west as well. From our standpoint in Texas, the trade we move from our maritime ports, Gulf ports like Houston, Corpus Christi, and Brownsville, it will filter up north but it’s also filtering up west and it’s filtering up east.”

Schwebel continued: “For those of us in Texas, the border region also has a major stake in how commerce moves between ports. Ports like El Paso and along the line, all the way down from, you name it, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Laredo down to the Valley, the RGV, McAllen, Mission, and down to Brownsville. Let’s face it, even cities like Presidio have a major stake of this thing, as a port, because the planning of that mobility, east-west is just as important as the north-south.”

Schwebel gave his comments at the end of the latest Border Trade Advisory Committee (BTAC) meeting, which was held April 16 at the Brownsville Events Center.

Here is a video recording of the interview:

Asked if east-west trade along the border is getting enough attention, Schwebel said: “I think that people need to be informed. I think that’s the beauty these TxDOT studies are revealing. It’s revealing what some of us that live on the border have been saying to TxDOT for a long time. Look at what’s going on right now. We live it every day. That’s why we’re having this discussion.

“And I think these studies are proving that it’s important that we do the prudent planning on how things move within the border. And then look at the Mexican side of the border as well. What is Mexico doing with their planning of their mobility east and west, up and down the Texas-Mexico border as well? From their standpoint they’re also looking at their conductivity, from their seaports on their west coast to the east coast, as well. So, it’s all connected.

“The beauty about it is that it’s all connected through our 28 ports in Texas. But we need to have that sound, prudent planning on both sides of the border.”

IBC Bank Executive Vice President Gerald ‘Gerry’ Schwebel. (Photo: Steve Taylor/RGG)

Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson chaired the BTAC meeting in Brownsville. On more than one occasion, Nelson said, “good point, Gerry.”

Indeed, Schwebel probably had the most points to make among the dozens of stakeholders present.

Schwebel said he was pleased his points were well-received.

“If we don’t work together as communities and share with each other our experiences up and down the border, which is the first line of commerce, north or south, then we really are shortchanging ourselves,” Schwebel said.

“So, we need to focus our intention on getting our mayors and our county judges up and down the whole border region to make sure that we’re all talking to each other and sharing with each other these ideas.”

Schwebel again stressed the importance of Mexican involvement.

“They’re just as hungry to do the planning as we are and that’s how we get the most efficient border, through dialogue and discussions. We can plan that growth in trade that we’ve all been working on for so many years.”

Schwebel was asked what he thought of a power point presentation by Pedro ‘Pete’ Alvarez, TxDOT’s Pharr District engineer. Before giving a detailed explanation of the projects his district is working on, Alvarez called on state leaders to pay more attention to the border region.

Schwebel responded: “One of the best things that we have on the border is that we have three district engineers that are being heard and listened to by the commissioners, and that’s great. And we’re very fortunate to have that. I am so excited to see how we’re working together. You know, the Laredo district, the Pharr district, the El Paso district. Those district engineers are key players, and we really commend the vision of TxDOT for allowing those engineers to have a major say in all this planning.”

Asked if there was anything else he wanted to get across in the interview, Schwebel said:

“I just think it’s great to have dialogue between the private sector and the public sector of Texas. Working together we can we get a lot accomplished. And these are exciting times. If it’s all good. But we must change the rhetoric from whatever negativity there is about the border to all the positive things that are going on, on the border.”

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