President Bailey celebrates his 10th anniversary at UTRGV’s helm

2 months ago 64

BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS – UT-Rio Grande Valley President Guy Bailey is celebrating his 10th year in charge of the university.

Before joining UTRGV as its founding president, Bailey had served as president of the University of Alabama and Texas Tech University.

Asked what his proudest accomplishments have been at UTRGV, Bailey said:

“There are many things I am proud of, but several are always at the forefront for me. Affordability. Enrollment. Academic program growth. And strengthening our research capabilities.

“It’s important to me to ensure that our students can afford a college education – that’s always at the top of my list. I’m proud that many of our students pay no tuition and fees, and that makes it easier for them to concentrate on their education goals and not have to go into debt while they do it.”

Bailey said the significant increases in enrollment UTRGV has experienced since it opened its doors in 2015 is a major accomplishment.

“To see our university go from 28,000 students to almost 32,000 today is remarkable, particularly in the past few years when we had to endure a pandemic. While most universities across the country saw a decrease in enrollment, we were going up.”

Bailey said another proud moment is the expansion of our academic programs.

“In the past, this region lost many students to other universities simply because we couldn’t provide the academic programs they were seeking. Since UTRGV opened in 2015, we have created 16 new bachelor’s degrees, 15 new master’s degrees, five new doctoral degrees, and four new professional degrees, including our School of Medicine and the state’s only School of Podiatric Medicine,” Bailey said.

“These new programs, along with several more that are on the way, are helping us retain the best and brightest students in the Valley.”

Bailey predicted there will be many more programs to look forward to in the coming years, including collegiate high schools. He said these are unique to the Valley and “are going to be game changers in so many ways.”

As for research dollars, Bailey said they are a record-breaking level. He said he was excited about this and UTRGV’s Texas and national rankings.

“There’s a big accomplishment on the horizon, taking us to a level we have not seen yet. We soon will be an Emerging Research University (ERU), and that status will enhance our research infrastructure, expenditures and rankings. We’re talking about an immeasurable impact in our Valley region, and well beyond,” Bailey said.

Bailey said UTRGV’s reputation has grown as the best-value university in the state of Texas, and for producing scholars and scholarships that drive economic growth and human betterment. Under his leadership, the university has developed a new model for financing higher education that has minimized student debt and created life-changing possibilities for thousands.

Under his leadership, UTRGV has:

•           Graduated more than 54,000 students (equivalent to 3% of the RGV population).

•           Helped 90% of UTRGV full-time undergraduates pay no tuition and fees.

•           Grown its net worth from $737 million to $1.1 billion.

•           Increased research expenditures from $20.78 million to $82.44 million.

•           Provided free tuition and mandatory fees for Texas residents in good academic standing who are full-time students and whose family income is $125,000 or less.

The Texas Legislature approved the formation of UTRGV in 2013 by collapsing the two legacy institutions – The University of Texas-Pan American and The University of Texas at Brownsville. Setting up a new university permitted the institution to access  the University of Texas System’s Permanent University Fund (PUF), a special endowment to finance capital expenditures. UTB and UTPA were never able to do this.

PUF funding has helped UTRGV invest more than $813 million in new construction and renovation, including:

•           12 completed buildings and 11 in progress across the Rio Grande Valley.

•           35 major renovations completed and 11 more in progress.

Asked how he would you summarize his 10 years at UTRGV and in the Valley, Bailey said:

As UTRGV president for the past ten years, I have developed a deep connection to and affection for the Rio Grande Valley. The Valley is my home, and it amazes me every day as our students and alumni contribute to the growth and success of their communities and the region. I am so proud to be a part of UTRGV and share its success with the inspiring staff, faculty and administrators who have helped build a stronger and more dynamic institution that is educating and supporting the future of Texas. It didn’t take me long to recognize that the Valley has a strong culture of hard work, family and gratitude, and we strive to ensure that our campus community also reflects those values.

Asked to predict UTRGV’s future, Bailey said:

“I envision a bright and transformative future for our students, faculty and staff. And that goes for our Valley community, too. We’re not done growing. The innovations will just keep coming. And our impact on South Texas and the people who live here? This is just the beginning, really. Ten years is just the blink of an eye when you imagine all the new and prosperous opportunities that await us in the next ten years. I’ve said it before: We’re the future of Texas.”

He also said that he and his leadership team are we are working on expanding housing opportunities for students. “They deserve the same range of opportunities that are available to students elsewhere in the state.”

Bailey said he may write a book about it all, sometime in the future.

“Eventually I’ll kick back and spend more time with Val, the love of my life, and our six children and 11 grandchildren. I suspect we have more of the latter on the way. Maybe I’ll write a book about how a guy from Alabama took a job in South Texas that not only transformed the lives of its students and community but impacted his own life in so many wonderful and meaningful ways. I am so grateful to UTRGV and the Rio Grande Valley because it gave me so much more that I never knew I needed.”

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