NovaLink CEO tells Indian investors why they should take a closer look at Brownsville-Matamoros

2 months ago 51

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – Jason Wolfe, president and CEO of NovaLink, recently made a sales pitch to potential economic development investors from India.

He made his remarks at the Port of Brownsville at an event hosted by the Council for South Texas Economic Progress (COSTEP). Also making a pitch to the potential investors were Brownsville Navigation District, Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, Harlingen Economic Development Corporation, and CODEM, the private economic development organization from Matamoros.

On the same day, COSTEP also took the Indian investors to McAllen for a meeting with EDCs from the Mid and Upper Rio Grande Valley.

According to its website, NovaLink is “a leading outsourcing solution for companies looking to relocate or start up manufacturing in Mexico in a low-cost labor environment close to the U.S.”

The website states: “We at NovaLink are committed to helping our partners succeed in their manufacturing endeavors. Our company’s success depends on the success of our partners, and our objective is to ensure they are satisfied with the service we provide for their nearshore manufacturing needs for years to come.”

Here is an audio recording of Wolfe’s presentation to the investors from India:

The post NovaLink CEO tells Indian investors why they should take a closer look at Brownsville-Matamoros appeared first on Rio Grande Guardian.

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