Mutchler: Economic development is a marathon, not a sprint

3 months ago 121

WESLACO, Texas – Economic development is a marathon not a sprint, Rio Grande Valley elected officials and municipal leaders learned at a recent TEEX event.

TEEX stands for Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service. Held at the offices of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council, the primer was moderated by Lisa Mutchler, TEEX’s division director for business and cyber solutions.

“Economic development is a process. It is not an event. In other words, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. It takes many years. So that’s one point, right. It is a process not an event,” Mutchler told the Rio Grande Guardian.

“Also, it’s about having the right funding and as well the time and the talent. And those two aren’t always in lockstep. So, you’re always having to try to balance that fulcrum.”

Economic development leaders need to be on the cutting edge of industry trends, Mutchler explained.

“How do you ensure that you remain viable and that you are attractive to new companies that are coming in, disruptive technologies, right? Not putting aside your bread and butter, which are your existing companies. You want them to grow so that you can bring on ancillary support types of suppliers. So, it’s all of that in a nutshell.”

TEEX’s website explains what the agency does.

“We are focused on giving personal attention to our customers. We work to identify a community’s unique assets that, when highlighted, can lead to job creation and community wealth. This catalyst for economic growth is at the heart of what we do. These services and our work plans are customized with the customer’s needs in mind,” the website states.

Mutchler is not new to the Valley. Over the years she has worked with the City of Pharr to develop its comprehensive plan and the strategic plan for their economic development corporation. She has also helped update the City of Edinburg’s comprehensive plan.

Mutchler said the primer she delivered at the offices of LRGVDC was designed for anyone who is working in or touches economic development.

“So, it’s that 50,000-foot level of what is economic development. What is your role in economic development? And what are those components? What are the pieces that create and retain the wealth so that your community can continue to be progressive and viable.”

Asked why the TEEX program is important for municipal leaders, Mutchler said: “Well, without economic development there is no… if you don’t have a roadmap, then any path will get you there. That’s from Alice in Wonderland, right? So, we’ve got to have our future laid out. And this is one pathway. If you understand what the dynamics are, in order to propel your community forward in time, so that you don’t die on the vine, this course can definitely be instrumental to that.”

Here is a video recording of the Guardian’s interview with Mutchler:

The post Mutchler: Economic development is a marathon, not a sprint appeared first on Rio Grande Guardian.

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