MERCEDES, Texas (ValleyCentral) — Bus duty ended in an assault caught on camera between a Harrel Middle School bus driver and a security guard.
On Feb. 25, Mercedes Police responded to Harrel Middle School in reference to an assault involving 44-year-old Guillermo Andre Ginez, who was a security guard at the school.

They arrived at the scene at 3:14 p.m. where they noticed a crowd surrounding a bus driver and his school bus.
The bus driver told authorities he arrived at the school to pick up double routes at the school and normally, the security guard on duty knows the routes and calls out the numbers without the driver telling him to do so.
However, Ginez did not know the routes. This caused the driver to have to yell out the routes from inside the bus not knowing if the security guard could hear him. The bus driver said the guard approached the school bus because he could not hear the bus driver, and from there, a verbal altercation ensued.
The driver told police that after the verbal altercation, the bus driver got off of the bus to apologize for the inconvenience and did not want to leave on bad terms with Ginez.
An incident report obtained by ValleyCentral stated the driver approached Ginez to shake his hand and apologize when Ginez stepped forward and pushed him to the ground.
"After that [the bus driver] stated that Guillermo walked towards him as if he was going to punch him while he was on the ground," the report stated.
Ginez admitted to pushing the bus driver to the ground stating that when the bus driver approached him he took it in a threatening way.
Officers then went to review camera footage from the school administration which revealed that when Ginez was about to punch the bus driver there was a student behind him which he shoved back.
The release stated that the student's guardian was called and EMS provided medical attention to both the student and bus driver.
Ginez was arrested on a charge of assault causing bodily injury. He was released from jail Feb. 27 on a $10,000 bond.