Letters to the Editor | Week of Sept. 2-7, 2024

2 weeks ago 39
Change debates

Fact checking a debate.

In presidential debates Donald Trump lies and rambles but never answers the moderator’s questions. His aim is to filibuster and create chaos so that only the corrupt candidate wins. He has corrupted the entire news media with his lies and now even the presidential debates. Third country leaders shut down newspapers and kill reporters who oppose them. Trump did worse; he labeled all news as “fake news” and gullible folks believe him. They do not fact check. He creates confusion and chaos and promises everyone that he alone has the answers.

No more traditional face-to-face debates is the answer: Put each candidate in a separate room, no assistants, no phones, no ear pieces, no crib notes and no contact with the outside, just paper and pencil. Questions will be given over a speaker or written. Candidates will have a reasonable amount of time to answer. Misspelling and grammar will be allowed as long as a real attempt at the answer is made. The moderators will then show and read the answers immediately afterward over the air so that everyone can see the actual written answers, not an interpretation of the answers. No more filibustering, no more talking over each other and no more putting up with timid moderators.

With Trump traditional debates cannot be held.

Do you have a better answer? Think.

Arnoldo Gonzalez


Putin’s misstep

Ukraine penetrates Russia for at least 25 square miles and Russia is stunned, does not react. Vladimir Putin does not want to destroy his own country; Russians will hold him accountable for all the destruction in their own country. It seems the Russian bear is just a paper bear with no bite.

In Ukraine, no problem. Putin kills thousands of Ukrainian innocent civilians men, women and children without batting an eye. And he on to destroy billions of dollars of Ukraine infrastructure to include people’s homes and buildings and yet, holds back when Ukraine enters and attacks inside Russia, Putin’s home. Putin chickens out, doesn’t react. That is kind of odd; what is wrong with this scenario?

Ukraine has stood firm against Russia’s attacks and made the Russian Bear blink; very soon after Ukraine penetrates inside their perimeter. That is a sign of weakness.

Russia has run out of resources to continue to fund the war in Ukraine. Time is running out for Putin to deliver this victory to Russia on a silver plate to its people. Instead he is delivering a dull plate of disappointment to its citizens, a disappointment of the destruction of the Russian economy due to Putin’s unrealistic war of ego to steal land from Ukraine for selfish reasons. What a disappointment for Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin.

Rafael Madrigal


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