Letters to the Editor | Week of May 6-11, 2024

4 months ago 557
Protests opposed

Responsible and patriotic Americans should be totally disgusted with the recent and ongoing antics at many of our colleges and universities. In my school years I was involved in a couple of flare-ups, but never such a display of hate and anger against a particular race or ally. It is extremely difficult to understand what is provoking such outbursts and conspiracies of obstruction to campus activity.

As a country we have not awakened to the fact that we are at war right now. Not a declared war, but certainly at war as we are being encroached on from several directions, some in a passive way and some in a more active way. Israel is among the top three or four nations we can always count on to be our allies. We should be supporting them 1,000%

Students protesting against the war in Gaza, and passersby walking through Harvard Yard, are seen at an encampment at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., on Thursday, April 25, 2024. Protest camps have sprouted up over the past two weeks at dozens of campuses across the nation. Some schools have set up encampments on campuses, including Harvard University. Others like Boston College have been calm. (Ben Curtis/AP File Photo)

What is being done by the present college generation would make their grandparents turn over in their graves. They knew that war has many casualties and that the innocent are hurt along with the guilty. But I do not worry about the Palestinians when I realize that many of them are loyal to Hamas and the rest must keep any opposition quiet or they are dead. Also, many teach their children from birth to hate Jews and Americans and seek any and every way to kill them. That “them” is us. So, it is our war, too, and don’t forget it. Also, don’t forget that Israel is fighting our war, too, so let them bring it to an end their way.

As for the rabid college students, I have this solution. Demand that college presidents bring immediate order to their campuses or resign before they are fired. Gather the violent and obstructive students up and put them in a wire city with one canteen of water a day and four hours of reeducation with the rest of the time to build and renovate their encampment. Cause the institutions that cannot or will not control their students to lose all government contracts except those concerning national defense. Finally, take all scholarships from the students for four months, the length of their confinement, so that they can re-study their position and learn a little history and practical thinking.

Four months of free thought to open their minds reality might work.

Duane A. Rasmussen

Laguna Vista

Playhouse offers thanks

We did it! Camille Playhouse triumphantly celebrated your community theater’s Diamond Jubilee with six classic musicals, as you requested! Arduous work, but all worthwhile to maintain the high standards that we are known for and that you expect.

On behalf of the board of directors, staff, all our casts, technical and non-technical volunteers, we humbly express our gratitude for sharing our joy and passion for this gem of our community.

Camille Playhouse is the largest live-stage performance theater south of San Antonio, and we are proud of our non-stop (except for the COVID years) effort to entertain, enlighten and educate our audiences.

A view of the fly tower at Camille Playhouse from Dean Porter Park in Brownsville. (Miguel Roberts/The Brownsville Herald)

Please visit our website or Facebook page to stay updated on our craft and don’t ever hesitate to offer your talent or volunteerism; we welcome all!

Thank you, Rio Grande Valley community, for accompanying us on this memorable year and as we close this curtain, we move forward to raising it on Season 61.

Martie DiGregorio

President, board of directors

Camille Lightner Playhouse


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to letters@myRGV.com.

The post Letters to the Editor | Week of May 6-11, 2024 appeared first on MyRGV.com.

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