Letters to the Editor | Week of May 27-June 1, 2024

3 months ago 131
Speaker backed

We have an intelligent, well-meaning, well-spoken, speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Being the good person that he is, he believes in playing by the rules of “bipartisanship.”

With all due respect, Democrats are never interested in real bipartisanship. They will put on their goody-two-shoes “bipartisanship” masks that never materialize. They will swear that “they have Johnson’s back.”

Please don’t fall for it, Mr. Speaker. Just watch them salivating to make Hakeem Jeffries their speaker of the House. By the way, Hakeem Jeffries is part of their Washington swamp. There are documented reports that he only paid $213 for his New York City property taxes through subsidies designed for them only. All this while the poor American middle class is being decimated with Biden’s increasing taxes to support foreigners.

To those Republicans wanting to oust Speaker Johnson, cool your jets; we don’t have the majority to give away our fragility to the salivating Democrats.

Let’s keep our cool and keep on standing up for ourselves, and defying these power-hungry elitists who call themselves Democrats “taking care of the illegal poor” with our American middle-class, hardworking, taxed-out blood and sweat.

When they criticize Republicans for rejecting Republican Sen. James Lankford’s supported “bipartisanship border bill” that failed, there was nothing in it for Republicans on border security but garbage, only codifying (enhancing) their own Marxist open borders agenda. Everything was for their evil empowerment to cling to their globalist, DEI, woke agendas to destroy America’s freedom.

Be reminded that you can’t side with an administration that openly displays hate for America and our flag.

To Republicans, let’s keep standing up in unity to root out this abusive Washington swamp.

Imelda Coronado


Pay city officials

Hurricane season begins June 1, and our recent summer weather is becoming more erratic with temperatures in the triple digits and torrential downpours spaced between periods of drought. Our Hidalgo County commissioners proved their worth during the past multiyear pandemic, but their comprehensive planning also extends into the future with multiple drainage improvements to prevent flooding risks through the 2023 Drainage Bond Program.

With this planning and proven expertise, we’ve seen continuity along with experience; but, I wondered that surely the county commissioners would be paid, and they are. All the individuals make more than $100,000 base salary and receive additional allowances for the administration of a county whose population is almost 900,000.

What do our local cities pay the mayor and councilmen? Do you know?

If we want qualified young men/women who are not financiers but from other lines of work guiding our cities and making the important decisions, shouldn’t our city mayors/council be paid for their full-time job, like our county commissioners?

Diane Teter


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