Letters to the Editor | Week of July 8-13, 2024

2 months ago 73
Economics gone too far

Some folks look at Donald Trump and see an orange Jesus. Others look at him and see an orange jumpsuit.

It used to be that Americans cared about the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, truth-telling and false witness. They did an evaluation of character to decide whether to vote for a candidate.

Today people don’t think character contributes much to qualifying someone for office. What is important is the candidate’s power to bring the cost of groceries down.

Republicans have always been about protecting corporations and the wealthy, but isn’t this taking economics just a little too far?

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

Groups addressed

Almost everyone born in the 20th century, including myself, was programmed/brainwashed to believe, among other things, that America is a constitutional republic, a democracy, the land of the free and superior to the other nations of the world. But are these things true? Maybe at one point in time they were.

I’ve learned/discovered over the last eight years or so that regardless of how well educated they may be, which or how many newspapers or magazines they may read, which or how many newscasts they may watch or which political party they may support, most Americans know little to nothing about the real world. What you don’t know will shock some of you.

Some very simple questions to test your basic knowledge of the real world: How many of you have ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations (established in 1921), the Bilderberg meetings (established in 1954) or the Trilateral Commission (established in 1973)?

How many of you know that almost every GOP and Democrat presidential candidate since Herbert Hoover has been a CFR member? Many secretaries of state, secretaries of defense, CIA directors, many other Cabinet members, members of the media and many heads of financial institutions and even educators have also been/are CFR members.

As for the Bilderberg group, most European and Canadian prime ministers and Bill Clinton have attended meetings before becoming heads of state. Isn’t it just a little odd that most Americans have never heard that?

I encourage everyone to look up the Wikipedia articles on the CFR, the CFR members list and the Bilderberg meeting participants list for themselves. Dwight Eisenhower is not on the CFR members list but the Wikipedia CFR article states that he was a CFR member. Currently, Joe Biden, his secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin are CFR members.

How can America be considered a democracy when most presidents and vice president from both political parties are from the same “club”?

The Politburo, the top planning committee in the former Soviet Union was established in 1917 and all Soviet leaders from Joseph Stalin to Mikhail Gorbachev had been Politburo members. Can anyone explain how the political process in the U.S. is different from the former Soviet Union?

Attributed to Stalin: “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

Natividad Rodriguez


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