Letters to the Editor | Week of July 15-20, 2024

2 months ago 59
Response to comments

I am going to address Mr. Gorena’s letter of June 20. Yes, I agree that the Democrats are and always have been “the party of compassion;” as an Independent I feel sometimes a little too much so. However, is that so bad compared to the New Republicans’ bias, racism and my-way-or-the-highway thinking that all take priority over humanity?

I am retired, have no mortgage and don’t have a car payment. I hope you don’t hold the 10-hour days, six-day weeks and years without vacations that I used to get here against me or our kind. Yes, it appears you and I may both be members of the 95% who contribute to this forum. I am glad to hear you are “enjoying a happy retirement like the rest of us,” so I hope you don’t consider us anti-American.

I will disagree with you that only the compassionate Democrats are causing the “destruction of our legal system.” How about Gov. Greg Abbott, who recently pardoned Mr. Daniel Perry, a convicted murderer? How about Justice Clarence Thomas’ at the very least unethical “pay for my vote” vacations? Or the more than 140 pardons Mr. Trump issued while he was in office for those followers convicted of everything from, to name a few, willful destruction, fraud, murder and selling government secrets? Check out the Justice Department for the disgusting details on that one.

Finally, please consider that it was not the intent of the liberals sponsoring equal treatment for all sexual inclinations to titillate the overly sensitive conservative libido with over-exposure, it was just to promote equality — you know, that very American thing.

Ned Sheats


Concerned about Biden

After watching the presidential debate, I was reminded of the movie The Wizard of Oz. America finally had the curtain pulled back on Joe Biden. He stuttered and stammered his way through the debate and frankly it was no surprise. A few months ago I was in the company of a medical professional and Joe Biden was the topic. Based on what he had seen in videos and news reports, his informal diagnosis, Biden is in decline and his mental capacity has diminished as well. He said Biden had suffered a stroke in 1988 and underwent surgery at Walter Reed, and made a full recovery, but his brain did suffer damage.

I feel sorry for Biden, his handlers are pushing him well past his limitations, he is 81 years old and even though I am not a supporter, he is a man with a family, and my hope is that one of them will step up and tell him to retire and enjoy his remaining years.

On the other hand, sympathy and politics aside, he is the leader of the free world, our enemies are watching and for the sake of our country’s security, I have emailed our representatives in Washington, that after what happened in the debate if has become abundantly clear that it may be time to invoke the 25th Amendment, hopefully the speaker of the House will get enough feedback from constituents that they will move forward on this for our country’s sake.

Jake Longoria


Editor’s note: Joe Biden suffered a brain aneurism in 1988.

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