Letters to the Editor | Week of Dec. 9-14, 2024

3 months ago 96
Russian threat

North Korea becomes a threat by sending troops to assist the Russian invasion in a sign of an undeclared war against Ukraine. Now we have two nations in alignment for the same cause, to defeat Ukraine and force it to submit to Russia.

The Chinese are the third nation participating in this war. Will Iran align with Russia and send troops also to assist Russia? It would not surprise me.

How many fronts is Ukraine able to fight before it falls to its communist neighbor by being overwhelmed by outside nations? Now we have three tyrant nations united for one specific goal, to make Russia a stronger nation and more of a threat to the rest of the Western nations, using their military power to make a weaker nation submit or be destroyed by Russia and its proxies.

Vladimir Putin’s goal is to bring back the Soviet Union by taking control of the nations surrounding Russia. Putin’s actions seek that direction and will not deviate until he reaches his final goal.

A new Soviet Union, more powerful and more threatening than ever before. Should we worry?

Will the West continue to sit on the bench and just watch the development and stay neutral like in 1939 when Poland was invaded by Germany on one side and Russia on the opposite side? Are we witnessing a repeat of World War II before our very own eyes today? Yes, we are.

Rafael Madrigal


American monarchy

How ironic. The chief custodian of our system of law in America, Chief Justice John Roberts, has personally torpedoed America’s 400-year-long system of rule of law. He did that by writing and installing a doctrine of immunity from prosecution for one single, solitary American, the president of the United States. America is now a slave to one all-powerful man rather than one all-powerful law.

With one stroke of a pen, Mr. Roberts installed that same unhallowed system of autocracy that kept Europe in the Dark Ages for a thousand years.

As our new king installs bootlickers rather than professionals everywhere in the government, it is clear that he and his gangsters are free to commit whatever crimes against our Constitution, our ancestors and our living, breathing people that they so desire.

The people elected Donald Trump to a four-year term, but one man gifted him totalitarian power while in office. This is the “elective monarchy” our Founding Fathers and Mothers said was the worst possible form of government of all.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

Hilarious Democrats


After the thumping Democrats got in November, it is hilarious to see the words MAGA, cult and traitors still flung with such veracity. Instead look at more than 15 million, the horde who invaded under this administration, the failure of Biden to maintain the sovereignty of the American Border and uphold the constitution to defend that border.

The hypocrisy of the commentary in this section totally reveals why Democrats lost so badly. So many letter writers still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, holding on to issues that the electorate totally rebuked nationally and here in the RGV, so it is no wonder why Texas, border states and counties went red, and that is just the tip of the spear as the economy and two wars under the belt of this administration did not help their party either.

Jake Longoria


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to letters@myRGV.com.

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