Flores: Trade mission by business owners from southern Mexico is already paying dividends

1 week ago 29

MCALLEN, Texas – Susie Flores, director of US business recruitment for McAllen Economic Development Corporation, says a recent trade mission by more than 45 business owners from south Mexico is already paying dividends.

The trip to McAllen, Pharr and Brownsville was organized by the McAllen chapter of Asociacion de Empresarios Mexicanos and COMCE Sur.

The McAllen leg of the tour took place at the McAllen Convention Center, where Flores was one of the presenters.

In her presentation, Flores encouraged Mexican business owners to set up distribution networks in McAllen for their products. And in an interview with the Rio Grande Guardian afterwards, Flores said she was happy to work with the City of McAllen’s international division and the McAllen Chamber of Commerce.

“That’s what we’re here for, to work in collaboration with the McAllen Chamber, with the city department, to help them (the Mexican entrepreneurs) and guide them and give them all the tools that they need to succeed in the future projects they want to establish here in McAllen,” Flores said, in the interview.

Asked about the feedback she has received following her presentation, Flores said:

“It was amazing. I had a line of people waiting to meet with me and talk to me, and so I have about ten to 15 companies that are ready to jump on a virtual meeting and start planning to see what the next steps to follow are to get their projects going.

“For a lot of them, this has been a dream that they thought it was sort of impossible. But now, after listening to all the people that presented here, they feel that there’s a lot of hope and that those dreams can become a reality.”

Editor’s Note: Here is a video recording of the Guardian’s interview with Flores:

The post Flores: Trade mission by business owners from southern Mexico is already paying dividends appeared first on Rio Grande Guardian.

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