Edcouch-Elsa ISD board approves Fine Arts Academy consolidation

3 hours ago 24

EDCOUCH, Texas (ValleyCentral) — In a seven to two vote on Wednesday, the Edcouch-Elsa Independent School District board of trustees voted to consolidate PFC David Ybarra Fine Arts Academy.

Ybarra Fine Arts Academy will consolidate into Carlos Truan Junior High, the district’s other middle school campus.

The Fine Arts Academy currently holds the sixth grade students in the district. Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, they will attend Carlos Truan Junior High.

District Superintendent Alda Benavides said in the meeting that the reason for the closure is a cost-saving measure.

Benavides said the district will save about $500,000 a year with Ybarra merging with Truan Junior High School.

The teachers at Ybarra will follow their students to Truan Junior High, according to Benavides.

Visit YouTube to view the whole meeting or skip to 1:02:25 in the meeting to see the topic of consolidation.

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