Cuellar: Line up all the trucks that pass through Laredo each year and they would go round the world 3.4 times

1 month ago 50

WASHINGTON, Texas – U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar says that if all the trucks that cross the border each year at the Laredo port of entry were lined up they would go around the world 3.4 times.

Cuellar, who hails from Laredo, Texas, was a panelist at the Mexico Institute’s 10th Annual Building a Competitive U.S.-Mexico Border Conference, held recently in Washington, D.C.

The panel was titled “The Border from the Congressional Perspective.” It featured three members of Congress from the border: U.S. Rep. Lou Correa of California, U.S. Rep. Greg Stanton of Arizona, and Cuellar.

The panel moderator was IBC Bank’s president for Eagle Pass, Hector J. Cerna.

In his opening remarks, Cuellar was dismissive of elected officials who come to the border region for just a few hours.

“Some folks go visit the border for a few hours and they think they know the border better than some of us breathe the air, drink the water, etc. etc. We understand that the Rio Grande, the Rio Bravo, doesn’t divide us but actually unites us as two countries,” Cuellar said.

“And certainly is trade is very important as was mentioned a few minutes ago. Mexico is our number one trading partner. I’ll give you one example about Laredo. If you look at the number of trucks that pass Laredo in one day, just line them up. They will go from Laredo up to 200 miles north of Laredo.

“If you look at the number of trucks that pass through Laredo in a month, line them up all the way to Rio de Janeiro. If you look at the trucks that pass through Laredo on a yearly basis and line them up, they will go around the world 3.4 times.

“And I checked with the CBP and the trucking industry to make sure I was right on those numbers. So trade is very important.”

Editor’s Note: Here is an audio recording of the opening remarks of Congressman Cuellar at the Mexico Institute’s 10th Annual Building a Competitive U.S.-Mexico Border Conference:

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